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  1. locnload

    Topping off with distill water.

    I've been topping off my 12 gallon nano with distill water for sometime now. I don't need to use very much because there's not that much evaporation. Anyhow, does anyone see a potential problem with using distill water to top off? Thanks
  2. locnload

    Powerhead pointed at the surface or not?

    Hello all, Got a quick question. I just got a new powerhead. The instructions say to point the nozzel at the surface of the water. I've always had my flow pointed down at my LRs. Do you know up at the surface or down? Thanks
  3. locnload

    Too many hermit crabs?

    Hello all. A friend of mine was moving and had to give away his live stock. He could not give away his hermit crabs so I took them. I added 8 medium sized hermits and now have 16 total in my 12 gallon nano. It's been a couple of days now and I was wondering if I've increased the bioload too much...
  4. locnload

    The NANO Police!

    Nano police is a great title for this thread! But I wouldn't say Nanos are not for begginers. The person who doesn't do research and commits all the mistakes of starting a tank would do that regardless of what tank size it is. While having a bigger tank is more forgiving, I'm willing to bet the...
  5. locnload

    Going to add corals... advice needed...

    Can what is consider normal water changes for a 12 gallon nano? 1 gallon every week? Thanks for the answers.
  6. locnload

    sunday photoshoot, 75G reef

    Really nice looking tank!
  7. locnload

    How to net fish with ich in a well rooted reef tank.

    Thanks for the replies...I'll try the fish trap idea. If you have links on how-to build please forward them my way. I still have second thoughts about taking my reef apart because some of the mushrooms are attached to 2 or more rocks. Well anyhow, I'm going back and forth. I'll try the fish trap...
  8. locnload

    How to net fish with ich in a well rooted reef tank.

    I have a 40 gal reef tank with lots of live rock and many different corals and also with 2 perc clowns, 1 damsel and 1 bi-color blenny. I suspect a change in water temp during the nights has stress the fish and they all have developed ich. I really am fond of my fish and would like to save them...
  9. locnload

    Packaged saltwater?!?!?

    I would do a full cycle even with packaged saltwater. For my small 20g tank at the office I use the same package saltwater you are talking about with great success. They claim to filter all the bad stuff out of it before packaging and selling. The easy to pour spout and crystal clear water seems...
  10. locnload

    Got recipe for home made fish food with Garlic?

    thanks much for the pointer. it was a great link!
  11. locnload

    Got recipe for home made fish food with Garlic?

    Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone had any good recipes for home made SW fish food. I'm interested because I want to add more garlic to my fishes diet. Thanks
  12. locnload

    Got recipe for home made fish food with Garlic?

    Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone had any good recipes for home made SW fish food. I'm interested because I want to add more garlic to me fishes diet. Thanks