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  1. robw

    Berlin XL adjusting??

    Please, someone must have a Berlin XL that is setup and running. anyone know how to adjust this thing properly?
  2. robw

    Berlin XL adjusting??

    I just purchased a used Berlin XL. I have it hooked up but have no idea how to adjust it properly. I have gone to their website and could'nt find anything on how to set it up. It is the one with the air inlet on the Berlin pump and I have the skimmer mounted next to my sump. Does anyone know how...
  3. robw

    Might have bacteria or sucked air. pls help!

    he ate a fair bit today but still seems a little shy. Could it be that there is'nt anything in the tank other then substrate and he does'nt have a place to feel secure? I'll try to get a pic up tonight
  4. robw

    Might have bacteria or sucked air. pls help!

    He may of puffed a little. It's hard to tell. Looking closer, he does have what looks to be small peices of skin coming off of him........ :thinking: almost looks like dust bunnies. He swims around once in a while. Mostly going from top to bottom like he's trying to get out. The skin on his...
  5. robw

    Might have bacteria or sucked air. pls help!

    I just got a Dog face puffer a week ago. I had to keep him in the refugium of my reef tank for a week until I was sure that my predator tank was finished its cycle. I acclimated him for 2 1/2 hours before the transfer. He seemed lethargic and a little pale all week, but would eat (mysis shrimp)...
  6. robw

    Who is this Guy...??

    Does he look like this guy? If so, I have the same thing. scrapes off the rock and eats it.
  7. robw

    scary, furry little bugger! id please

    I got a bunch of live rock a week ago. After 2 days, I realized that I have 2 crabs. The one hides all the time and I cant get a pics. He is black with pointeyer pinchers and red eyes. This guy is out all the time. He is black and extremely hairy (all over his body, not just his legs.) I see him...
  8. robw

    Will my live rock live?

    Actually, My nitrates are'nt that high, its my Nitrites. My tank is new and 3/4's of the way done its initial cycle. I dont want to do a water change yet and lower the amount of good bacteria.
  9. robw

    Will my live rock live?

    holy crap, i just found another crab. this one is darker in color with smaller black eyes, but he is bigger. the other one is smaller, a little lighter and has bigger red eyes. they both have kinda furry legs. Not sure what kind they are. I also saw a little bristle worm. I can't get over how...
  10. robw

    Will my live rock live?

    right on! I just did a search on them and saw some pics. They are defenitaley pods. There are tons of them running around, along with probably 30-50 things that look like snails without shells. the tank has so much life already, i almost dont need to buy anything else :joy:
  11. robw

    Will my live rock live?

    do you have any info on them? are they bad? They just seem to run around. I've actually seen them chase each other. They are about the size of a fruit fly and almost transparent.
  12. robw

    Will my live rock live?

    your kidding...........right???
  13. robw

    Will my live rock live?

    It was out of water for 15 min. max. I pulled it from his tank, drove 10 min home and emmediatlely put it in my refugium. Any idea on the insect looking things?
  14. robw

    Will my live rock live?

    I dont think they are bristle worms. They are very small and short. They look almost like a minature shrimp and they move extremely fast. I just found a rather large black colored crab in one of the holes. He is larger then your average emerald. I hope he does'nt die.
  15. robw

    Will my live rock live?

    My 125 was half way through cycling when I added 60lbs of live rock from a well established tank. The LR is loaded with more critters then I've ever seen in LR. There are little snail looking things, feather dusters, clams, weird looking insects (they look like short centipedes and they run so...
  16. robw

    Yellow Tang has Ich help!

    Have you tried giving it a fresh water bath? Put some fresh water with some conditioner into a bucket. Adjust the temp of the water as close to the temp of your tank water as possible. Place the tang in the fresh water for approx. 1 to 1 1/2 minutes. He will may start to look a little weak but...
  17. robw

    R/O waste shut off valve????

    thanks guys.... i figured there was some setup involved, just was'nt sure of what and how to do it. great tips.
  18. robw

    R/O waste shut off valve????

    I just hooked up my new R/O setup. It took a while to get through the system, which is understandable, however, I've noticed that when I close the waste water valve to "almost closed" I get a little better flow of R/O water. I know the waste water flow is needed to keep the membrane flushed,but...