Who is this Guy...??


Active Member
Black body, Black Hairy legs, and what seem to be rather "blunt" claws...
Came in as a hitchhiker several months ago (size of a dime) but keeps getting bigger...
Now the size of a good pocket Watch with probably a 4" reach...
Spends most of his "visable" time innocently picking on the rocks, but a couple shrimp and a purple fire fish have turned up missing over the last 4-5 months and I'm wondering if he may have something to do with that???
I had to enhance the pics to get a little light on him, hopefully they are clear enough to ID...
This is not the dreaded "Gorilla Crab" of lore is it...??



hmm its alittle blurry squidd.... but is it pure black? i have never seen the red mithrax crabs. i dont think it would be one of them...


Active Member
hey squidd i got the same one ill take a pic of it in a few came in on a large piece of LR too ...
does the same hangs out in the rock works picking at the rock never seen it eat anything such as corals or fish but i did try offering it some squid lol :joy: once and it took it and ate it so it kinda worried me but so far nothings missing have had him for about 4-5 months its totally black mines the size of my other emeralds and the exact hairy legs of an emeral
ill post a pic later when i catch him outta the rocks


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Looks like a emerald crab in a ninja suit to me

Ninja crab...yep confirmed. I would know~ look at my name.


Active Member
heres a pic i just took cant get him to come outta the rock work now but hs the size of my other emeralds just not as bulky about the size of a quarter his body is and very hairy legs ill try to catch another pic later


Active Member
The only "gorilla" crab pics that I have seen are off a company website in Florida. I, in fact, have exactly what the describe as a "gorilla" crab.
Mine doesn't look at all like yours. I'll try to post a pic.


Active Member
now that crab looks like a mean sucker! :scared:
i can tell mine is harmless cuz the end of his pinchers get flat like so he can pull stuff of the rocks


Active Member
No, that's not like mine...
Hairy legs but the shell looks relatively smooth...and not the "short" pointy claws like yours, longer to the hinge point...
Claws are smooth as well (all black) and black eyes not red...


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
now that crab looks like a mean sucker! :scared:
You have no idea.. :joy: He's a little terror. Watching him grab food is what horror movies wish to inspire upon their viewers.
He snuck in on some Florida Live Rock. I've got him in my refugium where he is growing like a weed.


Active Member
wow very cool then as long as u got him under control id be affraid of him getting outta the tank at night and snackin on me lol!


I wish someone would get a good ID on the ninja emerald, I would like to get one!
I have a fish only at my work office that he would be perfect for!


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
wow very cool then as long as u got him under control id be affraid of him getting outta the tank at night and snackin on me lol!
Ya, my aquarium is set up in my office at the church. My youth joke about how he is going to crawl out his tank one Sunday and start a riot during the church service.
Finding him was funny. I cycled the tank with 4 different types of live rock. He survived the cycle. I first saw him (He was about 1/4 the size he is now) when I vacuumed my tank the first time. He rushed out of the rock work and "attacked" the vaccuum tube! I was like "woah... out you gotta go sucker". So I bought one of those nylon breeder traps that float. Put plastic on the bottom of it, put a couple of pieces of LR rubble.. made him a nice little home in the corner of my tank (before I had refugium set up). First night he climbed to the top of the breeder and untied the knot.. climbed out. i caught him again, put a clamp on the top. He climbed to the top that night and cut a hole BESIDE the opening (taunting me I'm sure.. since all he had to do was cut a hole right out the side...). Anyway, after that I was so impressed by the little guy I put him in one of those plastic fish traps and kept him until I got my refugium going.
He's a smart one. Definitely a great little hitchhiker. He's crazy mean though. Any time i do anything to the refugium he acts like he wants to tear my hand off.