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  1. txstatecat


    Still having problems with my wet/dry system. i cant seem to regulate the water level and everytime we try and get the skimmer to balance out it either sucks up too much water or doesnt do anything at all which of course isnt good. aslo are tank has almost gone through the cycle but we have...
  2. txstatecat

    DIY algae scrubber and sump/fuge

    i really have no clue but im interested. What exactly would a fuge be? Sump? New to this and have no idea
  3. txstatecat

    Wet/Dry Problems

    Alright couple of questions. 1. We have acquired a wet dry system for our tank and we are having some troubles maintaining the water level. Sometimes it pumps too much, sometimes not enough, if we turn the skimmer up too high it sucks too much water up into the collection cup. Also we are...
  4. txstatecat

    Im a newbie..and need help...REAL bad

    ummm what exaclty is a sump...sorry if i sound stupid...the thing we bought is a big filter thing that sets underneth our tank; it has a filter and those blue plastic bio balls...anything sound familiar? i will post the brand when i get home for work...sorry if im unclear...
  5. txstatecat

    post pic of your dogs!!

    Ya about the infamous boxer's with mom breed's boxers; and ever one we've EVER had has had horrible gas...including my puppy bentley...its disgusting; i think its just the breed; blah; but you gotta love em! they are SOO cute! and bentley is afraid of our tank for some reason? maybe the...
  6. txstatecat

    post pic of your dogs!!

    Here is the LoVe of my Life! his name is Bentley!!!! I heart boxers!!!!!
  7. txstatecat

    Im a newbie..and need help...REAL bad

    well we have a wet/dry protein skimmer...maybe the same as a wet/dry sump? sorry im not very informed on this stuff; my boyfriend went out and bought it one day and set it all up; so is a wet/dry protien skimmer the same as a wet/dry sump?
  8. txstatecat

    Im a newbie..and need help...REAL bad

    Okay so i have news. Me and my bf visited several different LFS around San Antonio and Austin; and we FINALLY found a reliable one 'Austin Aquariums". So that was a relief. We have also purchased about 30 lbs of LR and a protein skimmer. We got our water tested and 'the cycle' is almost...
  9. txstatecat

    Good LFS in Austin/San Antonio TX area?

    thanks so much, ya i called them today and they just got a new shipment in so i plan on definetly goin now!
  10. txstatecat

    Good LFS in Austin/San Antonio TX area?

    i just purchased a 47 gal odysee tank; and are almost ready to begin purchasing more fish besides the 3 damsels i currently have; i was just wondering if anyone from the Austin/San Antonio TX area had some recomendations for LFS, i so far have only visited Austin Aquadome but would like to visit...
  11. txstatecat

    Good LFS in Austin/San Antonio TX area?

    i just purchased a 47 gal odysee tank; and are almost ready to begin purchasing more fish besides the 3 damsels i currently have; i was just wondering if anyone from the Austin/San Antonio TX area had some recomendations for LFS, i so far have only visited Austin Aquadome but would like to visit...
  12. txstatecat

    Im a newbie..and need help...REAL bad

    ya well above someone suggested i take some of my water down to get tested to make sure everything is ok..and by chance if the 'cycle' is completed i am goin to purchase a fish..sorry for the confusion...
  13. txstatecat

    Im a newbie..and need help...REAL bad

    cool thanks for the im goin to the lfs today when i get off at 5, and im gonna buy my first real fish besides the damsels...any suggestions on a first fish...or is it okay for me to introduce more than one fish at a time...?
  14. txstatecat

    Im a newbie..and need help...REAL bad

    aww im dory...oh well; so i have 3 damsels...and i've had them since the 18th of dec.; so my next question is; my boyfriend has his sights set on a lion fish...but im scared of the poison factor; anybody have any experience with them; and would u suggest it?
  15. txstatecat

    new puppy pics 1wk and 4 days old

    oh i love it! boxers are my FaVoRiTe! my parents breed is the latest love of my life..... bentley!!
  16. txstatecat

    Anyone from Texas?

    I am in san marcos, btwn austin and san antonio; if ur ever in the austin area; i suggest austin aquadome, a really good lfs.
  17. txstatecat

    Im a newbie..and need help...REAL bad

    HeLp!! :help: me and my boyfriend just purchased a 45 Gal odyssea tank; and we currently have 3 damsels in it; and we are taking our water to our lfs next week to make sure the 'cycle' is completed..and i really want to buy a clown fish and blue tang (nemo and dory!); but i was wondering if its...