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  1. nigertrigg

    JoKe is spelled F-E-M-A

    Originally Posted by ScubaDoo The Orleans Levee Distric has a history of "questionable" spending at best. They have thrown money away which is inexcusable. However, even if they used money to prucahse a hotel...the type of dollars to raise levees in this area is billions. Certinaly...
  2. nigertrigg

    JoKe is spelled F-E-M-A

    Originally Posted by Nigerfish Well i know for a fact the pics are not true. But hopefully the mods will not ban me for posting them pics. u got banned. Pretty funny. Its just a website. How bad could it be. Most of us are mature enough to be able to get a little intense. We all have done so...
  3. nigertrigg

    JoKe is spelled F-E-M-A

    Originally Posted by 5280_humu Nice phot shop work. If you belive this is a real picture then well I guess you'll even belive that the mods won't catch on to you AGAIN. Stop sleeping during history class LOL!!! What do you mean again?
  4. nigertrigg

    JoKe is spelled F-E-M-A

    Oh the boot. Ha. Anyways, lets have some sympathy. If you were starving and lost everything, are you saying you wouldn'y steal something from the store. "Survival of the fittest" is all to true
  5. nigertrigg

    JoKe is spelled F-E-M-A

    Originally Posted by Nigerfish The fact is that i do have a clue, and i happen to know that the bad people far out weighed the good people, the bad people acted like animals and should be treated like animals. It is sort of like Hitler, he was a terrible person and a scum bag, and because of him...
  6. nigertrigg

    Show off your favorite fish!!

    picture sucks but here's my niger
  7. nigertrigg

    JoKe is spelled F-E-M-A

    Originally Posted by ScubaDoo All the folks were doing this? All those that stayed behind have this attitude? Everyone had guns? No one cared? Everone has a credit card and is visiting strip clubs? Certainly, those that did this are nothing more than human debris...but to paint with that...
  8. nigertrigg

    JoKe is spelled F-E-M-A

    Originally Posted by Nigerfish In fact they were, the buses were on route to go to Houston. Go do some research, because it looks like you know how to do research on the bad parts, now lets see how good you are at researching the good parts. No need for that. Lets keep it civil. Regardless, I...
  9. nigertrigg

    JoKe is spelled F-E-M-A

    Well then I would of walked out if there was no way out. If it were me, I would get out of there unless I had a car
  10. nigertrigg

    New 55 with pics

    Originally Posted by NM reef Somethings never change do they nigertrigg? Same old song and dance...same old routine....more than likely the same old result. not really the advice I was looking for but ok. :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish
  11. nigertrigg

    New 55 with pics

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman Because the VAST majority of the time situations like that lead to dead pets... that's why. Yeah I am not getting two triggerfish anymore. I will just go with a tang. How about a dragon wrasse, and a blue spotted Hawian Puffer and a Hawkfish. Would that be...
  12. nigertrigg

    New 55 with pics

    Originally Posted by AGB1 How long have you had your tank up? About 4 weeks
  13. nigertrigg

    New 55 with pics

    Originally Posted by 5280_humu Nigertrigg: You might want to thin out the sand bed . Your running the risk of nitrate build up . and If that does happen you could loose your fish. it will acumulate untill it becomes a pocket of posion gas and is released causing your water to instantly become...
  14. nigertrigg

    140 deep vs. 150 long aggressive loading

    Originally Posted by AW2 I'm sorry, but a Moray that'll max out at 4' is not ok in 4' long tank. Snow flake eels do not max out at 4'
  15. nigertrigg

    Let's see pics of your triggers!!!!

    Originally Posted by Nigerfish my huma huma, i have had him about 6 months now, he was the last fish i added and has been fine so far with the others, the real boss is the sailfin believe it or not Wow thats a beautiful blue face angel. YOu should make a thread like this one and call it "let me...
  16. nigertrigg


    Originally Posted by Scriggle . I added an arrow crab and all he did was kill some snails and hermits, so i traded his hungry ass in right away. He was more dangerous than the damn bristleworms. You must of got a mean one because mine has never touched a hermit or snail
  17. nigertrigg


    I told you that you should have goten the arrowhead.
  18. nigertrigg

    140 deep vs. 150 long aggressive loading

    I would agree with the other fish that it will be cutting it close, but as far as the sfe you def. have enough room for it.
  19. nigertrigg

    New 55 with pics

    See that's advice I was looking for. Why can't you have two triggers and a tang. If you get them when small, and they grow up together, they will be fine