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  1. bubbbles

    Some eye candy

    Your tank is awesome.......I've had my 100 for 2yrs+ and it doesn't come close to yours....reading all this stuff on here is overwhelming and it makes me wonder how my tank has lived this long not having all this stuff.....what all you have running on it if u don't mind my just...
  2. bubbbles

    Bubbles the puffer can't see.....

    I have also had this koran angel that has the same face as the one in the disease pic you displayed but its been like that for years.....would it ever heal or will he grow out of it.....
  3. bubbbles

    Bubbles the puffer can't see.....

    The goldfish or rosy reds is the only things he will eat since the time of purchase....I've tried freeze dried and frozen foods but he just won't take to them at all.....thx for the many tanks and how did u get so knowledgable if u don't mind my asking....
  4. bubbbles

    Bubbles the puffer can't see.....

    Most of it went away w/melafix....I know he cannot see cause he can't see the goldfish when they pass by him on that side.....even if he is in a u think it will go away?
  5. bubbbles

    What should you have as basics for a 100 semi reef tank.....

    Thx since ur the only 1 who replied....which lighting is better....I have the compact light now....and what was the unit you were talking about???I have a skimmer but I know its not the best......
  6. bubbbles

    new pics of the 90

    OMG your tank is beautiful!How long have you had it going?Any pointers???What do you have running on it if you don't mind me askin.....?
  7. bubbbles

    What should you have as basics for a 100 semi reef tank.....

    I already own all the stuff and had my tank,fish,coral,etc for a couple years.....but seriously what should I be running for basics on this tank....I just would like to upgrade things now....I would like to see the corals flourish more and maybe try a couple different ones.....any suggestions???
  8. bubbbles

    Bubbles the puffer can't see.....

    My porcupine puffer has had cloudy eye.....he itsn't very big ....its been treated and most of it has gone away but a couple spots still remain.....his other eye is fine and he doesn't seem to get worse.......will/could it ever go away?? will he ever be able to see out of his eye again??