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  1. stayseelyn


    any suggestions other than reducing my fish load? it's so hard to decide on how many fish to keep... everyone has different opinions about it. grrrrr :thinking:
  2. stayseelyn


    They are in a 46 bow front... with approx. 70-80 lbs live rock... plenty of hiding places. the only one that acts extremely territorial is the clown. which others would you see as aggressive?
  3. stayseelyn


    I have: a sailfin tang a yellow tang blue chromis damsels pink damsel yellow damsel clarki clown my sick singapore angel and i have recently added a small picasso trigger... i have watched him closely, and have never seen him pick on him though.... ? :help:
  4. stayseelyn


    Ph= 8.1 Ammo= 0 Nitrite= 0 Nitrate= 30 Salinity= 1.025 Temp= 81 F
  5. stayseelyn


    I've got a BIG problem! I've had this beautiful singapore angel for about 4 months... He's been doing wonderful. He eats well and moves around the tank a lot. Recently, he's fallen ill. I have no idea what could be wrong with him! There are no visable signs of disease on him. No bites, no ich...
  6. stayseelyn

    Help! Please!

  7. stayseelyn

    Help! Please!

    I've got a problem! I've had this beautiful singapore angel for about 4 months... He's been doing wonderful. He eats well and moves around the tank a lot. Recently, he's fallen ill. I have no idea what could be wrong with him! There are no visable signs of disease on him. No bites, no ich, no...
  8. stayseelyn

    Cleaner shrimp messin with coral!

    Hey guys, My skunk cleaner shrimp is getting on my last nerve. He's a cute little guy and he cleans up very well.... within the last couple days though, he's decided it's his job to get on top of my bubble coral and mess with it. I don't think he's actually picking at it or pinching it, but he...
  9. stayseelyn

    Cleaner Shrimp messin with coral!!

    Hey guys, My skunk cleaner shrimp is getting on my last nerve. He's a cute little guy and he cleans up very well.... within the last couple days though, he's decided it's his job to get on top of my bubble coral and mess with it. I don't think he's actually picking at it or pinching it, but he...
  10. stayseelyn

    bangii cardinal

    Originally Posted by johnp906 He stopped eating... sorry hasn't eaten for three days I had a bangii do the same thing. Ate like a pig for a week or so, stopped eating, and died. I think mine had some kind of worm. I'd keep a really close eye on it if I was you.
  11. stayseelyn

    HELP! Sick starfish

    Well, i flipped him over. After waiting 15 minutes or so, he turned his arms so that they were upright, but never flipped his body back over. Got nervous when the damsels thought it might be fun to eat his stomach and flipped him back over.
  12. stayseelyn

    HELP! Sick starfish

    I'm still workin on raising my calcium... adding arragamilk every other day or so. It's at around 320 ppm right now. Not sure on the alk... i don't have anything to test it with. My inverts and corals seem happy with cyclopeze and a couple of the mixed foods i use... marine cuisine and emerald...
  13. stayseelyn

    HELP! Sick starfish

    That would be wonderful. Thanks for your help.
  14. stayseelyn

    HELP! Sick starfish

    A yellow tile star
  15. stayseelyn

    HELP! Sick starfish

    It's been hard to find much info about it. I have tried feeding brine shrimp, algae, cyclopeze, etc.... I'm not sure whether he's eaten any or not.
  16. stayseelyn

    HELP! Sick starfish

    I've had him for about two weeks. I have a 46 gal tank... all water parameters are fine. I floated the bag for a half an hour or so, and slowly added my tank's water little by little for an hour or so.
  17. stayseelyn

    HELP! Sick starfish

    I don't know where it would have gotten a worm like that... it's big. He also seems lethargic and limp... He's not falling apart or anything, but his arm (pictured) has some abrasions
  18. stayseelyn

    HELP! Sick starfish

    Hello everyone, I have a sick yellow tile star. It looks like his stomach is turned inside out or something. It has been like this for a few days. Recently, there is a black/blue worm looking tissue there as well. There are a couple abrasions on his left arm (see picture). I don't know what is...