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  1. megalodon in my aquarium

    Brackish water puffer with greyish/blackish stuff around its white belly

    Hi, I have a brackish water/Fresh water leopard puffer aka spotted puffer and I noticed today that around the rim of his white belly next to the yellow and black spots... It looks like his scales are coming off or he rubbed up against something and they came off.... Does anyone know anything...
  2. megalodon in my aquarium

    HI what is your FAVORITE Fish & why?!?!

    Hi, I was just wondering y'alls favorite fish & why.... and YES, I am NOISY!!! ;)
  3. megalodon in my aquarium

    What is better for reef... Sand or crushed Coral?

    Hi, I wanted to know what is better for a reef tank... sand or crushed coral? :confused: :confused: :p :p :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  4. megalodon in my aquarium

    What kind of eel will go with a shark?

    Hi, I was just informed that i could possibly fit a shark and an eel in a 300 gallon... What kind of shark and eel go together... I want a bamboo or horn shark.. Please reply :eek: :confused: :eek:
  5. megalodon in my aquarium

    Wondering size for shark tank!!!

    Hi, I am looking into getting a bamboo, or horn shark... I have room for a 150-200, but can make room for a 300... would it be okay in a 200? Also,which is a bamboo, or a horn shark better? :eek: :confused: :eek: please reply! :confused:
  6. megalodon in my aquarium

    Wondering about an octopus in reef tank

    Hi, I am starting a 50 gallon reef tank, and I was wondering if an octopus would be good? or would they eat fish and the coral?... If not an octopus, would a leopard eel be good? Please help :eek: :eek: :eek: