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  1. rogueangel

    Not sure what's wrong with clown

    As they've been tank mates for well over a year and from the same batch at *****. Will he survive in the tank?
  2. rogueangel

    Not sure what's wrong with clown

    I know its the female and he hides from her. She rules the roost and well the damsels never leave their hiding spot. I don't have a quarantine tank but I can get a bucket and transfer the water over and keep it warm. Any other ideas or suggestions if I do use the bucket?
  3. rogueangel

    Not sure what's wrong with clown

    Hello, The smaller of my two clownfish lately has been spending a lot of his time in a corner of the tank. At first it was like they were going to nest because he cleared the sand away. Then he started looking kinda rough but I figured it was the female umm establishing things. But now he just...
  4. rogueangel

    12 gal eclipse system.. (setting it up again)

    Dang I figured as much, so much for my hope that my eclipse could grow more than the Coraline algae it has been for the past yr
  5. rogueangel

    12 gal eclipse system.. (setting it up again)

    Did you use the stock lights for your corals or did you upgrade them?
  6. rogueangel

    Starfish Eating Pictures

    So do you hand feed them buy holding the food against the glass until they crawl up? or do you just drop it in the tank?
  7. rogueangel

    Metal halide wattage decision?

    or will I need more to go w/ it?
  8. rogueangel

    Metal halide wattage decision?

    sorry blonde moment... can anyone look at this and tell me if it'll work.. big auction website item number 7773176959
  9. rogueangel

    Metal halide wattage decision?

    silly question but is a ballast the fixture itself?
  10. rogueangel

    Metal halide wattage decision?

    I dont even know if its possible but is metal halide even a possibility for a 29 gal. If so how many watts would I need to keep anything. I know the debates about lighting but right now I want to know my options. My tank will be 30x 12x18. I'm just now setting up so I want to do my research...
  11. rogueangel

    VHO lights??????

    zanoshanox, what all do you have in your tank under the 2x65w?
  12. rogueangel

    Can you just buy 50/50bulbs to replace lights

    I tried that. I've gone through more of them than I can recall... hence the direct question
  13. rogueangel

    Can you just buy 50/50bulbs to replace lights

    I know they arn't any good for a reef. I already messed up when I got my nano. I got an Eclipse so now I want something better. I'm just beyond my wits end with all this talk of 50/50, t-5, pc
  14. rogueangel

    Can you just buy 50/50bulbs to replace lights

    I'm looking into buying a new tank and I was wondering can you buy the 50/50 bulbs and put them in the hood in place of the lights that come with it?
  15. rogueangel

    What will grow under Eclipse lights?

    Yah I already pondered that idea. I have a few more posts over it on here. But nothing seems to work for Eclipses
  16. rogueangel

    What will grow under Eclipse lights?

    How about Zoos or mushrooms?
  17. rogueangel

    Lol my Clarkii's crazy

    I just have to know does anyone else's fish do some wierd stuff? Everytime I feed my Clarkii she takes the food and "feeds" the filter. What doesn't get sucked in she'll munch on later, but its just the irony that cracks me up. Oh and everytime I clean with my magnet cleaner her and my damsel go...
  18. rogueangel

    What will grow under Eclipse lights?

    both are white it says its 60Hz 120 VAC and .30 AMP
  19. rogueangel

    What will grow under Eclipse lights?

    yah 12 gal eclipse
  20. rogueangel

    What will grow under Eclipse lights?

    The order part guide says I have Compact 13 Watt bulbs? Ok what this mean and what might grow under it? Like Mushrooms or Zoos? I'm trying to find a retro fit for it but for right now I'd like to see my options... Thanks ya'll~ Rogue