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  1. rogueangel

    Cube retrofit in a Eclipse?

    I just saw a post that was talking about using a retrofit lighting kit, but its for a Cube. Is there anyway I could put this into my Eclipse 12gal hood or does it connect to something in the Cube's hood?
  2. rogueangel

    Fitting fish in a 10 gal. tank

    Check under the Nano page, most people have clowns in 10 gals. My Clarkii is perfectly happy in my 12gal.
  3. rogueangel

    Tanks on Carpet

    yah the question was about tank stability... its only 12gal but I don't want it to fall over just cause someone's rough housing next door
  4. rogueangel

    Tanks on Carpet

    ok thanks. I'd hate to have to lose my security deposit for something I coulda done different
  5. rogueangel

    Tanks on Carpet

    Hey, I just have my 12 gal Eclipse and the stand that comes w/ it. I'm fixing to move into my apartment and I was wanting to put my tank in my bedroom. But its got carpet floors. Anyone have any suggestions on how to stablize the tank area? I can keep throw rugs around when I change water. Any...
  6. rogueangel

    How to tell if starfish is dead

    hey you'll need to post your water stats. Have you tried seeing if he moves when you add food to the tank. At first mine didn't move much but as soon as I add food all her little feelers went out
  7. rogueangel

    Chocolate Chip in Trouble

    Mine started off like that but she already has white tissue showing now. Wish I had known that was what was happening before now.
  8. rogueangel

    Chocolate Chip in Trouble

    Alright cutting the arm part off not as easy as I thought it would be. These things really stiffen up good and hard. But I got most of it, I'll try again later. This star best live after all this babying. I went and got some baby shrimp from Wally-World. Gammarus, work alright. Took a bit to get...
  9. rogueangel

    Chocolate Chip in Trouble

    ok will do
  10. rogueangel

    Chocolate Chip in Trouble

    ok thanks, I just need to cut below the deterioation line... will I need to take her out of the water to do this? Or try it wile she's up high in my tank?. I have an acrylic tank so I wanna know the best thing for her and it.
  11. rogueangel

    Chocolate Chip in Trouble

    Thanks ya'll. She ate yestturday and some earlier today. Should i continue using the stress coat stuff with the water changes? it says it has aloe so I'm hoping maybe that'll help some
  12. rogueangel

    Chocolate Chip in Trouble

  13. rogueangel

    Chocolate chip Starfish in trouble?

    anyone have any help?
  14. rogueangel

    Chocolate Chip in Trouble

    Osmotic Shock is what happens when the star's not accumilated properly. Anyone able to id the differences b/w it and if the erosion is from lack of nutrients?
  15. rogueangel

    Chocolate Chip in Trouble

    And since your suggesting this does it rule out the Osmosic Shock?
  16. rogueangel

    Chocolate Chip in Trouble

    ok so I need the Cal Buffer, Logal Solution, and the Ph Buffer? and as for the salinity... do I need to do the water changes w/ 1.024 level water or higher? I did the last one w/ the 1.024 level but it didn't change anything.
  17. rogueangel

    Chocolate Chip in Trouble

    I only use RO, and I'm going to pick up the tests for calcium and alkalinity tomorrow. I forgot to grab those when I got the purple up last week.
  18. rogueangel

    Chocolate Chip in Trouble

    by squeaky clean I mean it was covered in algea and I was plannin on going tomorrow to get a glass cleaner so I could see. now the glass is clear as a bell other than the swirls
  19. rogueangel

    Chocolate Chip in Trouble

    my tanks squeky clean and has the swirls from her sucker things so I know she's eating... does this narrow it down either way?
  20. rogueangel

    Chocolate Chip in Trouble

    She ate the first 1day by coming up to the top. After that she cruised around eating the algea. Tonight I spot feed her. Usually though I just manuever some pellets and flakes to land near where she's at and she'll eat them.