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  1. rogueangel

    Adding Clarkiis

    ok thanks... Probally a question for the Nano or DIY forums?
  2. rogueangel

    Adding Clarkiis

    I can do the dedication thing... (looks around boring dorm room) ain't like I have any place else to be other than class and work. Can they handle the occasional day w/o feeding? thats the most I'm gone
  3. rogueangel

    Adding Clarkiis

    It is a Saltwater Eclipse System.... as in change lighting can I upgrade the bulb in its fixture or find mods?
  4. rogueangel

    Adding Clarkiis

    according to the replacement order form the bulb is a Compact 13 Watt...this any help?
  5. rogueangel

    Adding Clarkiis

    as for the Top Snail I think I know what your talking about.. we call them periwinkles in the creeks down here so I just call the sw version that too lol. I wanted some of them to freak my unknowledgeable friends out. They flipped when they saw I have small clams like we also find in creeks...
  6. rogueangel

    Adding Clarkiis

    lol actually their yellow coloring was what appealed to me... Some what unique and not plain ol Nemo my friends are in love with (all they know about sw fish is from that movie lol). I've got black sand w/ a sprinkling of florescent orange gravel mixed in so I got plenty of orange lol. And if I...
  7. rogueangel

    Adding Clarkiis

    I actually wasn't planning on adding anymore fish other than them. I'm going to work on what corals I can keep w/ my current lights and then maybe sometime get another tank and raise sea horses in this one
  8. rogueangel

    Adding Clarkiis

    how many u figure I'll need? I don't have much build up now and I'd hate for them to starve cuz I got to many
  9. rogueangel

    Adding Clarkiis

    I have a 12gal Eclipse w/ and inch of Black Taitian sand and 8ish lbs of LR . Its just at the month mark. I had a quick cycle, the ammonia spike was within the first week and then I had zeros for the longest. I add Cycle once a week and since everything was peachy I added my damsels last mon...
  10. rogueangel

    Adding Clarkiis

    lol wow for once a post that no one has any info on?
  11. rogueangel

    Adding Clarkiis

  12. rogueangel

    Adding Clarkiis

  13. rogueangel

    Adding Clarkiis

    I was wondering when I should add my Clarkiis? My tank currently just has a 3 stripe. The domino I bought w/ her died. She had something like cob webs on her prior to death and I think I read on here where that was a sign of some diesease. Anyway how do these fish need to be added (like can I do...
  14. rogueangel

    Adding Clarkiis

    I was wondering when I should add my Clarkiis? My tank currently just has a 3 stripe. The domino I bought w/ her died. She had something like cob webs on her prior to death and I think I read on here where that was a sign of some diesease. Anyway how do these fish need to be added (like can I do...
  15. rogueangel

    Domino Problem?

    I got them both together and all of the stripes and domino were fine towards eachother. They were great yesturday... I thought they'd b fine everytime I've seen them they are great schooling fish so I thought it'd be fine. It looks like the fish is just having probs or something. I'll keep ya'll...
  16. rogueangel

    Domino Problem?

    Alright levels are temp 80, Ph 8.2, Ammonia .25 not really but not exactly 0, Nitrite .25, Nitrate 10, Salinity 1.023
  17. rogueangel

    Domino Problem?

    I took ya'lls advice and just got one domino damsel and a 2 stripe. But now they're acting funny... They were perfectly fine yesturday and zipping all around after I accumilated them. Now the domino is bobbing around the bottom and staying over in a corner I even think I saw her on her side...
  18. rogueangel

    Any luck w/ Domino Damsels?

    LOL Spawns of Satan? Wow sorry man... funny though
  19. rogueangel

    Any luck w/ Domino Damsels?

  20. rogueangel

    Any luck w/ Domino Damsels?

    hey I have a quick question and don't care to open a new thread. How long can a fish be ok in the bag that the lfs gives you? the lfs back home is having a special on their dominos I just found out and if I get it it'll be a 2hr 45min drive up here then I'll have an hr b4 I go to work. I only...