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  1. robharold

    Live rock and NH3

    No, I did not know about that part. Is there any way to fix the problem? I have no ther tank to put the beauty in. Thanks
  2. robharold

    Live rock and NH3

    I need some help....again. I made some DIY rock. I have had it in water to cure for 1.5 - 2 mths. Yesterday I put it in my 55. everything seemed fine until this am. My coral beauty was floating(swimming) sideways and sometimes upside down. I ran tests and ammonia was 0.3. I checked before...
  3. robharold

    Calling all Mud(filter) dogs

    I am looking at several different types of filters, sumps, refugiums etc. One that I like so far is a refugium with a mud filter. Does anyone use them? What are the pros and cons of the mud filter? Are they difficult to maintain? Thanks folks!!
  4. robharold

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    Originally Posted by Merredeth Move a chair over by the tank and make her sit in front of it. Then she'll feel like you are oogling her and only you will know that you are oogling the tank. I have several tanks, and all are within easy eyesight. However, one tank was specifically intended for...
  5. robharold


    I read somewhere that a refugum could also be used as a QT. Is that possible? I think there will be problems but wander if any one else does this and how it worked for them.
  6. robharold

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    Originally Posted by Jerth6932 mine is justified by the countless hours sitting in front of a 24G starting at it..... And seeing the new little thing I found inside of it!!! My Fieance doesnt understand my obsession, but I tell her I'm not the only one who just sits infront of my tank for hours...
  7. robharold

    HELP!!! Mushrooms away!

    I have noticed that almost all of the shrooms have gotten together at the base of one rock. They have opened up bigger and prettier there than even when I saw them at LFS. I am going to try to move some small rubble pieces to see if they will attach. They seem to be trying to attach to the...
  8. robharold

    HELP!!! Mushrooms away!

  9. robharold

    HELP!!! Mushrooms away!

    Flow = Fluval 400 Canister filter pump. + 2 penguin 660 power heads. Lighting = 65W 50/50 compact flourescent + 40W Flourescent with 1 20W F and 1 20W Act. Prizm Protein skimmer Lights are on from 6 am until 6 pm. then only one of the 2 for about 2 more hours.
  10. robharold

    Coral EMERGENCY!!!

    It's probably too late for that. But can you tell me if there is a mix ratio or just regular iodine? I fragged the colt a few minutes ago. The base was basically mush that shredded when I tried to pick it up. I cut away any other gunk and rubber banded the bigger pieces to small rubble...
  11. robharold

    Coral EMERGENCY!!!

    I can remove it. I think I am going to try to frag it today when I get home. I hope I can at least save some part of it. What does the iodine do?
  12. robharold

    Coral EMERGENCY!!!

    I need some quick help. My colt has been looking poorly the last few days. I started to move it tonight and it tore away from one of the pieces of rock that is was attached to. The base is decayed or something has gotten to it. PLEASE help me. Can anyone tell me what I can do to possibly...
  13. robharold

    pH too High??

    Can your pH get too high? Mine reads 8.7+ on my test kit. :notsure: I don't know how to get it down and I think my corals are stressed. This is the only parameter that is out of whack. Ca=450 PO4=0 Amm, Nitrite, Nitrate=0 Fe is low too but I don't know how important it is to have iron. Any...
  14. robharold

    HELP!!! Mushrooms away!

    Can anyone please help me. I bought a rock full of mushrooms a week agao and now they are floating around the tank. :help: What could be causing this? What can I do about it? I don't want to lose them. Thanks