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  1. saltfan


    Usually with the flickering going on, its the ballast going bad.
  2. saltfan

    My shallow reef tank diary }(>')

    Absolutley FANTASTIC!! All I can say.
  3. saltfan

    Fragging Leather Tree

    Yea pretty much just as you want to do it Meowzer. They pretty easy to frag up. Use a different container than the tank they are in, as they will through toxins all over the place. About an hour later you can take them out of the bucket and put them in the tank. Carbon would be a wise idea.
  4. saltfan

    My shallow reef tank diary }(>')

    WHOA. Is that a Purple tang? Is it the pics? Or does he have spots all over him??
  5. saltfan

    Got a Juvi Emperor Angelfish and Yellow Tang doesnt approved... HELP

    Malnutrition. Feed him well and they should go away.
  6. saltfan

    Fish Help

    XF6-2.5 Protein Fractionator,
  7. saltfan

    Got a Juvi Emperor Angelfish and Yellow Tang doesnt approved... HELP

    Quote: Originally Posted by HAWKFISH203 Try to change the rock work around so he doesn't have a spot anymore. Also turn the lights out +1 this will mess him up and have no territory to defend. Kinda like stsarting over, but not. It may settle him down some. OH!! WELCOME ABOARD!!
  8. saltfan

    Start up costs

    Start up is the killer, not the maintenance of the daily use, if you ask me. =) But what the hell I know.
  9. saltfan

    Drinking Water?

    So, for this price, someone tell me why the hell I went out and bought a RO/DI then??? Man, thats cheap water. Oops, my bad, other than the fact that I change 55gallons out at a time.
  10. saltfan

    Considering a DIY lighting hood for My 150. but no real clue...

    Quote: Originally Posted by 1Snapple Nope saltfan. 1W don't have the penetrating power of 3W. I can probably come up w/ an LED set for under $800 or less. Hey Snapple, if I were to put 1920 watts of LED's over just half of a tank (240g) is this not enough light?? 20 Strands of 96 1watt...
  11. saltfan

    Considering a DIY lighting hood for My 150. but no real clue...

    Right on, throw us some pics when you have it going. =)
  12. saltfan

    Start up costs

    Quote: Originally Posted by CAM78 Craigslist should help you out a lot. SOme people give stuff away on there. And its new stuff. Good thing about this hobby is people get in and out real quick!!! +1. Also, just off top of my head here, $3500 to $4000 is a reasonable price for everything new...
  13. saltfan

    water quality

    Quote: Originally Posted by Superman I think you should be able to get the water thing figured out with all this info. where's the pics of the tank!? =) +1 =)
  14. saltfan

    fluval 405 or fx5

    Yea, the 405 will work.
  15. saltfan

    Considering a DIY lighting hood for My 150. but no real clue...

    I know you can get the 96 LED's strand 12v meant for cars. But they are only 1 watt.... If you strung together enough of them perhaps?? I know they are fairly chaep.
  16. saltfan

    Fed up with Aggressive Fish! Help!

    Gonna be survival of the fitest in this tank, aye boys...WOW. definately got some meanies there
  17. saltfan

    water quality

    Can your funding problem buy a $85 RO/DI brand new? Or are the funds that bad? You don't have to go with the top of the line big boys.
  18. saltfan

    Considering a DIY lighting hood for My 150. but no real clue...

    Less than $200. Metal Halides. (3 250w) Peice it together from E-Bay. I am on the low budget DIY plan also. I did it. =)
  19. saltfan

    New here

    Well hell I'ma jump on this one also. 1970?? WHOA!! 2500lbs of sand??? WHOLLY CRAP DUDE. Oh... WELCOME ABOARD ROLF the sand this was like DO WHAT???? =)
  20. saltfan

    What Am I Missing For My Reef Tank.

    Hmm. I have a 8' tank, with 4 Koralia 3's. all sitting towards mid upper section of back tank, pointing up. Moves the water fairly well.