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  1. bjraker

    Lighting question?

    Dirk, I was begining to wounder if I was letting my lights on to long I'm currently using just the white flourests till we setup a bigger tank anyway thanks for the help.
  2. bjraker

    Lighting question?

    Hello everyone I'm just new to the hobby and I have a 55 gal tank setup and I'm starting to get a little bit of brownish color on the sides of the tank. Could this be because of excessive lighting and is there someting to treat this with? BJ
  3. bjraker

    Night time pics form my 470

    Wow cool tank.......... you did a real nice job there!
  4. bjraker

    Seahorses getting stuck in Wet-Dry filter.

    I heard you should use an undergravel filter. I have a 1 gallon tank with 5 Adault and 24 baby Pygmy Seahorses and I only have an undergravel filter with an airstone going down a tube in the back of the tank. My male Seahorse just had his babies on 3/8/06 it was a really neat experience to...
  5. bjraker

    the least favorite fish in your tank?

    Originally Posted by drago My maroon clown, very nice but very agressive. I don't care too much for my maroon clown either, he always bites me when I pick up the LR that falls in my tank. I do like my Damsels I got them as babies and they are great. My fish all are great natured except my...
  6. bjraker

    Lets see those Clams

    Yes very nice love the colors!
  7. bjraker

    one more pic, I promise

    Thats a real nice setup there should post more pics of that one!