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  1. sam516


    actually this is after cleaning and then after i got some advice from this wonderful site!!!
  2. sam516


    here are some pics of the tank before and after: oh and i got some zoos last week when i cleaned the tank (i am a very impatient person)
  3. sam516


    I have had the tank since January--about 5 months and got bad info from the LFS about stocking and etc and anyway....i had a tang in there for a while (another LFS debacle) and i had TONS of brown algae so i did a giant water change and physically cleaned the tank. then got some advice from this...
  4. sam516


    these are my readings: Ammonia---0.12 mg/L Trites [hr] 0.15 mg/L Trates [hr] 30 mg/L pH [hr] 8.0 are these ok?..... what can i do to fix other than water changes? what are good readings for a 10G reef???
  5. sam516

    Clown fish swimming

    Hey--my clownfish started to swim upside down on the top of my tank since i took out a Yellow Tang in a 10 G tank (I KNOW IT DOESN'T FIT----thats why i took it out) Is there any reason he could be doing this? Is he lonely without any other fish??
  6. sam516

    adding calcium for LR/coraline growth?

    what are some good salt mixes??
  7. sam516

    Can you ID these Gobies?

    looks like a green clown goby
  8. sam516

    Emerald Crab

    Do you think i can fit an emerald crab in a 10G tank with 7 snails and 9 hermits??
  9. sam516

    What do you feed your zoa's??

    you have to feed zoos??? i thought they use the lights for "food"
  10. sam516

    Rust Color Algea

    have you done water changes?
  11. sam516


    Can someone explain photoperiods I'm a bit confused In a 8 hour photo period do you only have your lights on for 8 hours a day or do they go off and on every 8 hours?? please explain??
  12. sam516


    Pics of my new Purple Zoos
  13. sam516

    Urchin thingy

    I got a Zoo Coral ysterday and when i broght it home and put it in my tank these little urchin things came off it. They are very small and black with little yellow spines----can't get close enough to get a picture-- what do you think it is???
  14. sam516


    My Zoos opened this morning--about 1 hour after i posted a pic worrying why they weren't opening!!!!! my next question is.... i know you guys told me some fish i could have [hr] do you have any more suggestions give me a BIG list of fish i COULD get in my 10G tank
  15. sam516

    Zoos help

    can anyone tell me why my zoos that i got yesterday won't open today: i have 10K lighting i think 14 W --PC this is a picture---its a bit blurry
  16. sam516


    or an 18" moon bulb that i can switch with my 10K PC coralife that i use during the day?
  17. sam516


    Does anyone have an 18" PC Actinic Blue bulb with 2 prongs on the ends--(not linear or square) to sell
  18. sam516


    I was too excited to post the pic---i pretty much just took my hand out of the tank LOL! the sand was a bit kicked up THANKS FOR ALL THE POSITVE FEEDBACK
  19. sam516


    I upgraded right after i got the tank--def PCs thanks for the concern though do you know how long it should take them to open up??
  20. sam516


    OK...i had to do it.....i got a coral!!!! Zoos--multicolored--mostly purple here they are when i JUST put them in my tank!!! I'm SO excited lol This stuff is so addicting