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  1. seaequus

    How long can a yellow tang...

    The bigger the better I would agree however my friend was on a budget and has a nano reef in a 30 gal long that he has a yellow tang for 5 years that has done very well.
  2. seaequus

    How long can a yellow tang...

    the poor yellow tang is going to get the harrassment of it's life, if the domino was there first he will harrass the tang. Size in this case does not matter as damsels set up territories and even in the wild the will try to nip the hands of divers that get to close! If the damsel gets too pushy...
  3. seaequus

    Anemone Question

    I just got my first anemone a BTA three weeks age, of all the research I've done they are the hardiest and will be readly excepted by most all clown species in the aquarium trade. I have two Clarkis that went nuts when I put it into the tank and hardly gave it time to settle on to the rocks. The...
  4. seaequus

    Brown algea like substance that won't go away

    How old is your tank, that would have alot to do with it and whats the current chemistry of the water. It sounds like diatoms, if it's a new system once it's finished cycling the diatoms will cease, a good way to help get rid of it is to take a sponge and wipe the glass but remove it from the...
  5. seaequus

    can a yellow tang's dorsal fin grow back

    Yes no need to worry with good H2O quality, the membrane will grow back. Keep in mind that the maroon anemone fish can be highly territorial of it's own space especialy if there's an anemone involved, I would keep an eye on the goings on in your tank
  6. seaequus

    Flame Angel and Coral Beauty Angel

    If you are really want to try this you can get one of those isolation boxes that you can install in your tank with a powerhead for circulation, put your flame in it and introduce the coral beauty, let him (flame) stay in the box for a day or two and then try releasing him back into the tank ...
  7. seaequus

    Flame Angel and Coral Beauty Angel

    Your angel has already established his territory so the likely hood is not a good one. Keep in mind that in the wild on the reef a dwarf angels territory ranges 6 to 8ft.
  8. seaequus

    using wellwater

    I had the local town water comission test my water, I do have a softener hooked up as ! have high iron content in the water. I have used this water in my tank after letting it circulate in my mixing vat for 2wks before adding salt. I have had no problems using this water in changes and...
  9. seaequus

    Aggression in Clown Fish Pairs

    I have an established pair of Clarki Clowns that I had for 3wks prior to intruducing a bubble tip anemone to their tank, as soon as I added this anemone they started to fight. The female chased the male away from the anemone and then the roles reversed. When I arrived home yesterday the male was...