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  1. darren111

    Live Sand

    Thanks Burnnspy and I had a look at your pics to and your tank is very impressive aswell thank you..Darren.
  2. darren111

    UGF water changes

    LL do a 10 to 20% wqter change evey 2 weeks and vacum the sand but if you can get rid of the ugl and go for a better filtration system UGF's are realy no good for saltwater fish keeping anymore there asre to many dead spots using these filters.
  3. darren111

    Changing over to Wet/ any ideas???

    Yeah dont go a wet/dry system cause you have to have a glass bottom and then you need to buffer it every day to keep the ph and calcium up. The system on my tank is the berlin system I have the sump which is a very good thing to have under your tank but I have a berlin protien skimmer in it and...
  4. darren111

    Porcupine puffer

    Hi sheshe I have never heard of that problem before but i guess if it is feeding well and swimming well I guess it should be alright and mybe the bubble will go. Goodluck........Darren.......
  5. darren111

    Live Sand

    I have heard a lot and read a lot about the live sand set up could some one tell me about it please I am running a berlin system on my tank at the moment . Like how you set it up and where do u get the live sand from ?
  6. darren111

    Problem after partial water change

    Hi Jenron I read you letter the only thing I can ask is what sought of water did you use and how much did you take out of your tank,sometimes its best to wait a few hours before you test your water condictions after a water change. I change my tank every 2 weeks with a 20% water change using 3...
  7. darren111

    Red Slime

    Red slime algea is usaly cause though to much phospate in the tank and that is cause by either to much lighting or to much feeding. One way to get rid of slime algea when i have had the problem is to get a phospate sponge I find Kent Marine is very good for this, place it in the sump of your...
  8. darren111


    I have been told that Racoon Butterfly or Copperbands wil eat these pests goodluck