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  1. joestone52

    lymposyctis (sp)

    Originally Posted by Beth I'm in the process of doing a write up about it for the FAQ Thread, since it seems to be a growing ailment among fishes. I got your FAQ thread about fish disease and treatment. You are sent by GOD, thanks a lot! I'm having problem myself about this fish ich. i notice...
  2. joestone52

    I need HEPL

    15 months, your tank should be ok by now, what kind of filter you have? do you have any sea apple or any nudibranch ? if you have any of those, they emit poison in your water when they die especially sea happened to me when my sea apple died and I didn't notice right away, killed all...
  3. joestone52

    Need help on quick high nitrates on my 45 gals tank

    My sea apple died and emitted a lot of toxic and nitrates . I have to eliminate the high nitrates on my 45 gal tank. Can I change about 5 gals of water everyday until the nitrates go down or is there any thing I could buy or use to eliminate the nitrate fast. More than half of my stock died...
  4. joestone52

    Need help with Volitan!

    Thanks everybody who responded about my Volitan diet!!You are all right I should have do more research before I buy. I just got excited when I saw this lion and I know its venomous, I see this creatures all the time everytime I go scubadiving in the facific!You can not see this fish in the...
  5. joestone52

    Need help with Volitan!

    Just got a Volitan the other day, I don,t know what kind of food to give. I give my other fish pellets and Lion don't want to touch them. The pet shop said I should give them live fresh water feeder fish, is it ok? Any suggestion please!!! My Lion looks very hungry, haven't eaten for...
  6. joestone52

    Red Algeas

    Anybody please, I just started a 46-gal reef tank, lately I'm having this red algea all over covering my rocks and some of my corals. I have a few fish also. I'm feeding them with flakes. Is this caused by overfeeding? Where is it coming from? Anybody has the same problem? What's the solution...
  7. joestone52


    Thanks for your input.
  8. joestone52


    I just stared a 46- galon salt water tank and its in a cycling process. I have a Remora C pro protein skimmer, I'm wondering if I still need another type of filter like canister or wet/dry filter or if that filter is already adequate. I'm planning to have more corals than fish.Please, I need...