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  1. joedunegan

    Yellow Tang died-don't have a clue why?

    I had a Sohal and a yellow-eyed kole that just mysteriously died. No sign of sickness. Were just fine the night before.
  2. joedunegan

    Sohal and Yellow-eyed Kole both died

    I have a 125g tank with 30g refugium. I only have 4 fish in the tank, now. Last Saturday, I got up to feed my fish and add my usual weekly chems to the tank when I discovered that My sohal and yellow-eyed kole were both dead. The night before they were alive and very well. I looked them both...
  3. joedunegan

    Fish acting crazy

    I don't have a grounding probe. don't even know what that is and never heard of it. I am a beginner at saltwater tanks but have 1 1/2 experience with freshwater. I noticed lastnight that another one of my fish was scratching up against a rock constantly. Now my naso tang is laying on the...
  4. joedunegan

    Fish acting crazy

    I have a Powder Blue Tang that just started acting crazy. He darts across the tank and spins on his side and then turns cart wheels, so to speak. I don't see any signs of ich. Any suggestions?