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  1. garrett042

    little white things on my glass what are they?

    i cant my camera wont zoom in that far
  2. garrett042

    Lighting for Frogspawn.....

    it might work it could be to weak for the coral u really ned a 96 watt but its a little tank so it might be ok just keep a check on it....if its a coralife lighting fixture u can put what ever coral u want in ur tank just dont put to much
  3. garrett042

    shrimp is makin my water stink?

    yea i put 2 raw shrimp in my 55gal to help it cycle and started to noticed that it was makin my water stink is this normal or is somethin wrong please help someone :mad:
  4. garrett042

    little white things on my glass what are they?

    yea i just set up my 55gal fowlr and i noticed that i had these little white things crawling on my glass and they are really small can any body tell me what these things are i would really appreciate it :notsure:
  5. garrett042

    question on protein skimmer

    ok then thanks for the help yall
  6. garrett042

    finally set up my 55gal fish only tank

    i put 2 wild caught jumbo shrimp in my 55gal i took the shell off both of them so i leave them in there until my ammonia goes up kinda high then i take them out is this right
  7. garrett042

    question on protein skimmer

    yea i just set up a 55 gallon fish only with live rock and was wondering if i needed a protein skimmer on it
  8. garrett042

    How do you move a Toadstol Mushroom Leather

    well i would just try to frag it buy cutting it at the base and put it somewhere else and let it attach but take it out of the tank when u cut it if u do it this way then push a tooth pick through it and use a rubber band and wrap the rubber band around a rock and let it set in the tank for a...
  9. garrett042

    Live Rock

    i would use the tonga rock if i were u
  10. garrett042

    finally set up my 55gal fish only tank

    do i take the hard shell off the shrimp when i put it in the tank it will desolve right?
  11. garrett042

    Urchin question (no pics)

    i dont know if they are reef safe or not but some one told me that they would eat algae but i dont know if its true or not..good luck
  12. garrett042

    My gonio "fragged" by itself!!!!

    very cool sometimes they will seperate on their on and sometimes they wont but very nice just keep a watch on them to make sure they dont get swepped away from the current
  13. garrett042

    finally set up my 55gal fish only tank

    yea thanks for the help but another thing how many raw shrimp do i put in my 55 gallon to make it start a good cycle.
  14. garrett042

    finally set up my 55gal fish only tank

    yea i just set up my 55gal fish only with lr tank and i bought some argonite reef sand and put in it and bought 50gallons worth of instant ocean and have about mabe 10 lbs of live rock in it u think yall think it will start cycling also i have a aqua clear 70 on it...please help? :notsure:
  15. garrett042

    help my tank is cloudy

    why do i need to dump it for then i got to drain my tank why is it cloudy
  16. garrett042

    Protein Skimmer? YES or NO?

    yea i think the nano skimmer will be the best for u good luck
  17. garrett042

    moving question

    yea i think it will be fine to set it up now just when u move it just move it slow and be really careful
  18. garrett042

    help my tank is cloudy

    yea i just set up a 12 gallon fish only tank and my cc in it was old that i washed off to use and it seems to be makin my tank water have clouds in it and its kinda cloudy is this bad or what :mad:
  19. garrett042

    12gal marine tank setup for sell

    yall either can give me 300.00 for the stuff or dont post anything about it then cuzz yall not gonna get this stuff for 10-20 dollars
  20. garrett042

    12gal marine tank setup for sell

    yea i have a 12gal aquarium set for sell and i need $300.00 for everything that i have cuzz all together i piad $489.00 for the stuff equipment list: 1) 96watt coral life light fixture 2) hob refugium (small) 3) 24watt refugium coral life light 4) 2 powerheads 5) 12gal tank 6) moon light...