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  1. npp02c

    minimum size tank for Tangs?

    As the title states: What is the minimum size tank for a tang? I really like them, and was just wondering... Thanks
  2. npp02c

    Naso Tang??

    What is the minimum size tank for one of these? :scared:
  3. npp02c

    Bristle Worms? Friend or Foe?

    I like those odds
  4. npp02c

    Lionfish in a Reef? Yes/No?

    That makes sense... I'd rather have the inverts to clean. Thanks
  5. npp02c

    Base Rock Question

    So, if I was starting a new tank (24 gallon aquapod), maybe buy equal amounts of base and live rock? 15/15 lbs? Would that be sufficient to give it a nice "filled" look?
  6. npp02c

    Lionfish in a Reef? Yes/No?

    Hi, I am fairly (brand) new to this hobby and was wondering if it IS possible to keep a lionfish in a reef tank. Not the huge Volitan(?) lionfish, but the smaller dwarf type. If not what is the main problem with keeping one in a tank w/ a reef? The descriptions on say that it needs...
  7. npp02c

    Base Rock Question

    Well, that is certainly good to know. People talk about putting couple hundred pounds of LR in their tank, seems to be overly expensive considering I can make it myself. Thanks for the info.
  8. npp02c

    "Base" Rock Question-

    I figured you could not do that- I was just wondering what types of rock to use... But thanks for the answer, greatly appreciated.
  9. npp02c

    "Base" Rock Question-

  10. npp02c

    "Base" Rock Question-

    Hi all, I have a quick question concerning "base" rock. I keep hearing people say that you can use some base rock along with your live rock already in your tank, maybe even cycling it with live rock in a new tank. I guess what I am getting at is, where do you get base rock? Is it just a rock...
  11. npp02c

    Base Rock Question

    Hi all, I have a quick question concerning "base" rock. I keep hearing people say that you can use some base rock along with your live rock already in your tank, maybe even cycling it with live rock in a new tank. I guess what I am getting at is, where do you get base rock? Is it just a rock...
  12. npp02c

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    Why does it seem that everytime I really want to see pictures on the good threads, the pictures do not show... What gives?
  13. npp02c

    Trip to the Georgia Aquarium [Large Pictures]

    I have to go there- Those pictures are simply breathtaking... :happyfish :hilarious
  14. npp02c

    Bristle Worms? Friend or Foe??

    Well, thanks for that information, it appears that they are not so bad after all. If they are a vital part of a reef setup, then I will definitly keep them in my tank... Thanks again
  15. npp02c

    Bristle Worms? Friend or Foe?

    Thanks for the input-
  16. npp02c

    Bristle Worms? Friend or Foe??

    Thanks for the information, I would much rather do without these things though. A giant worm in my tank is not really my cup of tea... :scared:
  17. npp02c

    Bristle Worms? Friend or Foe??

    I was just browsing through that thread about the various hitchikers that come in LR, I am currently buying the equipment needed to start my first reef tank and I frequently hear of bristle worms. I read mostly that they are harmless, but I do not want a large worm in my tank when it gets...
  18. npp02c

    a few pics of 2 new fish check it out

    Very nice tank, I hope that mine will look like that someday-
  19. npp02c

    Bristle Worms? Friend or Foe?

    I was just browsing through that thread about the various hitchikers that come in LR, I am currently buying the equipment needed to start my first reef tank and I frequently hear of bristle worms. I read mostly that they are harmless, but I do not want a large worm in my tank when it gets...
  20. npp02c

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    This is a great thread, very informative, especially for someone like me new to the hobby. :joy: