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  1. colball9

    open fish

    yeah i used to have a bicolor angel fish but she seemed to hide anytime someone walked up to the tank! so im wanting one that is nice amazing and very open! so yeah
  2. colball9

    open fish

    :thinking: i have a 55 gallon tank with 65lbs of LR a small perc clown two blue tailed damsels 1 green chromis and a few corals what would be a great fish without being too big for the tank that would remain out in the open most of the time?
  3. colball9

    Wonderful morning!

    i got into town this morning to find that it looked as if someone had seriously bumped the tank knocking down a lot of the rockwork and catching two of the fish by surprise! Both my Prized Bicolor angel and my Yellow tang were beneath the rocks! anyone else had any surprise incidents? :mad:
  4. colball9

    OK, Lets hear the crazy combinations...

    well let me state my 55 gallon 1 bicolor angel 1 yellow tang 1 bicolor blenny 1 green chromis 2 yellow tailed damsels 1 perc clown 1 lettuce nudi and some polyps stock lights hob filter skimmer is coming this month but hasnt had one on it ever 2 powerheads 55-60lbs of LR i never qt either...
  5. colball9

    Other fish

    alright thankx guys i know i wont be able to keep thetang forever shes bound to grow lol! so i suppose eventually i will be able to look into the dwarf!
  6. colball9

    Other Fish???

    yes i have heard the same on the puffers so i was just doing a double check and i am only housing the tang until she gets larger! but it is quite funny how my tang and angel have buddied up swimming about and so does anyone have a tang/angel relationship?
  7. colball9

    stocking list for a 55 gallon

    well dontknow about you all but i know my selection has done great! 1 bicolor angel 1 bicolor blenny 1 percula clown 2 yellow tailed damsels 1 green chromis 1 yellow tang 10 hermis my tang and my angel are great pals! something i never would have suspected but they are! so that is my list take...
  8. colball9

    3 inch Triger Fish

    i would love to get a small trigger for my tank but... i have 1 bicolor angel 1 percula clown 1 bicolor blenny 1 green chromis 1 yellow tang 2 yellow tail damsels several hermits a lettuce nudi and several polyps of which i got from a piece of the aquacultured multi-rock here on the sight! and...
  9. colball9

    other fish

    [hr] I have a 55 gallon tank that i had planned a reef setup in. however as i get farther in i am relaizing i just dont really want the troubles in my wallet! so here is my question... i have 1 bicolor angel 1 percula clown 1 bicolor blenny 1 green chromis 1 yellow tang 2 yellow tail damsels...
  10. colball9

    Bubble Tip on the Move

    My pink tip haitian climbed to the top of my rock and found himself to be no match for the filter so...i decided to wait until i found a much larger one!
  11. colball9

    Other fish

    [hr] I have a 55 gallon tank that i had planned a reef setup in. however as i get farther in i am relaizing i just dont really want the troubles in my wallet! so here is my question... i have 1 bicolor angel 1 percula clown 1 bicolor blenny 1 green chromis 1 yellow tang 2 yellow tail damsels...
  12. colball9

    Other Fish???

    I have a 55 gallon tank that i had planned a reef setup in. however as i get farther in i am relaizing i just dont really want the troubles in my wallet! so here is my question... i have 1 bicolor angel 1 percula clown 1 bicolor blenny 1 green chromis 1 yellow tang 2 yellow tail damsels several...
  13. colball9

    Trip to the Georgia Aquarium [Large Pictures]

    Those are amazing photos! wow i was reading up on the aquarium when they first began the construction but lost track of it all! i have te get down there now! WOW
  14. colball9

    2 Month Anniversary - Lots of pics

    that is a wonderful looking tank! you both have very nice sun corals! i originally looked into purchasing one but then changed my mind! but i just wanted to compliment you two on your corals and on the tank! VERY NICE!