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  1. orbulus

    Multiple Damsels

    I understand. It's the same situation as most saltwater displays in local businesses. They don't really care about the health of the fish over the apperance. Rather, if a fish dies in the tank, it is quickly replaced by the company that set the display up in the first place. I don't agree with...
  2. orbulus

    Multiple Damsels

    I have a question about Damsels… Despite the fact that damsels are really aggressive when it comes to defending territories, I had heard that if there is not enough territory available, the damsels do not fight. A good example are petstores that overstock their tanks with damsels. I’ve seen up...
  3. orbulus

    Urgent: Powerful Ich Medicine for Non-Reef Tanks?

    Okay, I won't recalibrate. Um... yes, the left is SG (gravity) and the right side is Salt. The PPT level is 13 (it's so small I can hardly see the line, but it doesn't look like it's 14 PPT. The gravity line is on 1.010 though. I am going to do a 20% water change tomorrow with 1.009 water to...
  4. orbulus

    Urgent: Powerful Ich Medicine for Non-Reef Tanks?

    On the left hand side of the refractometer gauge, is the gravity. I read that. And it changes... For example, I read it yesterday, and the line was exactly at 1.009. Then this morning, I recalibrated, and the line was at 1.010. [ Edit ] Should I lower the salinity even further past 1.009? Maybe...
  5. orbulus

    Urgent: Powerful Ich Medicine for Non-Reef Tanks?

    The refractometer I purchased was the Marine Depot one... It has ATC but I had made sure when I calibrate it, it is at room temp (about 67-68). The blue line is exactly at 1.010 and 1.009.. I test the salinity everyday, recalibrating the meter each time. The blue line falls on the same readings...
  6. orbulus

    Urgent: Powerful Ich Medicine for Non-Reef Tanks? Gramma died... ...the Clown should be next... ....parameters look normal, and still 1.009 gravity... :(
  7. orbulus

    Urgent: Powerful Ich Medicine for Non-Reef Tanks?

    Hi All, Okay, I had gotten my Refractometer about a week ago. I've had my display tank down to 1.009 exactly through the course of 2 days. So it's been 6 days so far with the gravity at 1.009. Ammonia is still 0. My PH lowered a little, and I had to use a buffer. But now it is in the safe range...
  8. orbulus

    Urgent: Powerful Ich Medicine for Non-Reef Tanks?

    Thank you very much Beth and Sepulatian. I am doing a 20% water change every two days at the moment. I will cycle out the Copper from the tank. I will try hyposalinity on my main tank in addition to the Stop Parasite. I will remove all Copper currently in my water before I start the treatment...
  9. orbulus

    Urgent: Powerful Ich Medicine for Non-Reef Tanks?

    Hi all... I have an ich problem. I've read most of the posts about hypo salinity and such for reef tanks. But my tank is a fish only tank. I've used this generic copper treatment, which did not have any directions really. The directions said "Put one drop per gallon" and "repeat in 48 hours if...
  10. orbulus

    Fish Selections

    Thanks! I've been reading posts a lot. It seems that everyone posts Tangs need much space. And the Butterfly I heard are actually hard to keep alive for very long in captivity. Okay, I think I'll return the Damsel. What if I replace the Damsel with a Chromis? Anyway, thanks. I will take...
  11. orbulus

    Fish Selections

    Aloha!! I'm new to the boards, and hope I could get some good suggestions here on some safe fish selections for my tank. Just a quick rundown: - 46 Gallon - Running about 5 Months - No LR (illegal in Hawaii) - No Inverts - Wet / Dry Filter - Protein Skimmer - UV Sterilizer - Wavemaker I water...