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  1. scu ba


    Does anyone know where to buy pipzine? Thank you
  2. scu ba

    Stupid Question

    I bought a 240 gal tank for all my sfe and lion :jumping: and now making my 55 into a reef tank my ? is now that I put in a deep bed (jaubert system) my tank only took 34 gallons of water. When i do 10% water chages later on how much do i do 3.5 or 5.5 gal? :notsure: Thank you
  3. scu ba

    Whats going on in there?

    Here is a picture of one of those little things on my starfish. This morning there was about four of them on him. Will stop parasites help my tank? Thanks again!
  4. scu ba

    Whats going on in there?

    Im using the Coralife Deep six Hydrometer for testing the SG. PH is has been 8.4. Im also using crushed coral. We just noticed little tiny creatures running around the bottom, fast little things about the size of a hermit crabs toe. Thanks again everyone!!
  5. scu ba

    Whats going on in there?

    Specific gravity 1.022 76 degrees 402 hegan powerhead ramona skimmer Bjt 4mouths Lion 3 mouths Foxface 3 mths cc 4.5 mths clean the glass with windex with the canopy on but i also spray the back of the tank with it and the canopy is open in the back. And im definitely do not adding anything...
  6. scu ba

    Whats going on in there?

    I change the 5 gallons of water every week. I only used aquasafe water conditioner by Tetra Aqua and used strss coat before the foxface died. I havent used anything else. Ammonia is a 0 but i remember the foxface was breathing real heavy. The tank has been up and running for about 5.5 mounths...
  7. scu ba

    Whats going on in there?

    I could take any pictures where the spots showed up in the pictures i was using my camera phone, but i did soak their food in garlic. What do you thick i should do? I dont want to buy another fish just to use it for a test and have it suffer and die. The water i used was from a pubilic well that...
  8. scu ba

    Whats going on in there?

    I resently lost all my fish exsept for my snowflake eel. And know my cc starfish has something wrong with it. It first started when my blue jaw trigger started getting a bunch of white spots on him but they fall off so i figured it wasnt ick. then my lion would get it and in the moring it would...
  9. scu ba

    What's my hermit crab doing to the little one?

    Yesturday the large blue leg hermit started to try to get the smaller hermit out of his/her shell. Is it trying to kill it or is it mating season? Thanks
  10. scu ba

    blue jaw trigger help!

    Originally Posted by COWabonga Update: I had this fish for 2 weeks now and its been in a hospital tank with its wife. You would be doing that to if you married a female triggerfish!
  11. scu ba

    Blue Jaw Triggers

    I have read somewhere on these furoms that you introduce the male first and then the female after a few weeks. We shall see. :thinking:
  12. scu ba

    Ghost Shrimp gut loaded?

    How do you gut load ghost shrimp? Thanks
  13. scu ba

    Aussie or Indo Harlequin Tuskfish?

    My LFS has a 3"-4" for $99 and of course says it is a Aussie, but the colors on the tuskfish are awesome. It is also been there for 3 weeks and eats real good. Would you get it or does anyone know where to get one online I can trust? Thanks
  14. scu ba

    Aussie or Indo Harlequin Tuskfish?

    Does anyone know the difference between the two or have pictures of the two? I have been searching this site along with the internet and still have not got good identification of the two. :notsure: Thanks in advance!!
  15. scu ba

    bamboo shark and dogface puffer?

    That is really funny. Hey as pet and animal lovers we all need to stick together!!
  16. scu ba

    bamboo shark and dogface puffer?

    Moray girl there is a differnce between a correcting stick and a reg ol' stick. When you use a correcting stick you tap the dog on his/her butt, show the dog it, point at them and say NO!. But some people like to jump into conclusions at dog trainers and hunters when they see any excuse they can...
  17. scu ba

    bamboo shark and dogface puffer?

    And pits will keep attacking until there victum is died.
  18. scu ba

    bamboo shark and dogface puffer?

    Originally Posted by AW2EOD Exactly! It's not the dog, it's the owner. Did you know that Labs attack more people, each year, than Pit Bulls do? Labs...the "family dog"! The reason you never hear about it is because the media has played up the "killer Pit Bull" story for so long, that's the only...