bamboo shark and dogface puffer?


Puffers are notorious for nipping/biting and picking at slower moving, bottom dwelling fish, such as sharks and rays.
It'd take a split second for a Puffer to think your sharks eyes looks tasty and then you'd have a blind shark, that would probably die from the ensuing infection.

shark bait

I have seen this happen, not my tank. But triggers and puffers are known for doing this. My LFS has a shark with out it's eyes, it swims and eats well, but you cant help but feal sad every time it hits the glass. I would not even think of this mix, it may depend on the puffer, just like a pit bull would you leave your 5 year old alone with this dog! sorry it ant gona work.


Active Member
great thing is sharks would run into the glass with or without there eyes! they really cant see to well.. im not saying get the puffer.. cuz of course it would easily kill the shark from stress.


New Member
i like my shark, i had to wait 8 weeks for him to hatch. i guess im like his mr. mom, so i cant let a puffer eat his eyes for a late night snack!! thanks for the info.

shark bait

Originally Posted by ams153
great thing is sharks would run into the glass with or without there eyes! they really cant see to well.. im not saying get the puffer.. cuz of course it would easily kill the shark from stress.
Ya sharks do hit the glass but when it hits it head on full speed, it ant that fast, but when it dose it because it has no eyes I can't help but feal sad. the one at my LFS has done this a few times, and compared to the other cat shark that has eyes he just skims the glass. this shark was from a customer that had a trigger that got hungry, but what i would like to know is why the eyes?


Originally Posted by shark bait
just like a pit bull would you leave your 5 year old alone with this dog! sorry it ant gona work.

I would absolutely leave my 5 year old alone with my Pitbull, but i would never put a shark in with a trigger. I cant tell what fish think, but I KNOW my DOG and really dont appreciate people dissing pitbulls! If you want to talk about pitbulls, talk about the stupid f's that mistreat them and make them mean!!!


Originally Posted by Dischirm
I would absolutely leave my 5 year old alone with my Pitbull, but i would never put a shark in with a trigger. I cant tell what fish think, but I KNOW my DOG and really dont appreciate people dissing pitbulls! If you want to talk about pitbulls, talk about the stupid f's that mistreat them and make them mean!!!

Exactly! It's not the dog, it's the owner.
Did you know that Labs attack more people, each year, than Pit Bulls do? Labs...the "family dog"! The reason you never hear about it is because the media has played up the "killer Pit Bull" story for so long, that's the only thing that's gonna hit the nightly news.


Originally Posted by AW2EOD
Exactly! It's not the dog, it's the owner.
Did you know that Labs attack more people, each year, than Pit Bulls do? Labs...the "family dog"! The reason you never hear about it is because the media has played up the "killer Pit Bull" story for so long, that's the only thing that's gonna hit the nightly news.
Thats unfair too tho..... There are more Lab attacks in part due to the fact that the Lab is the most common dog, and pitbulls are one of the lest common. So of course more labs will have attacked. I agree with what you trying to say but you logic for it is flawed.

scu ba

Originally Posted by AW2EOD
Exactly! It's not the dog, it's the owner.
Did you know that Labs attack more people, each year, than Pit Bulls do? Labs...the "family dog"! The reason you never hear about it is because the media has played up the "killer Pit Bull" story for so long, that's the only thing that's gonna hit the nightly news.

Sorry AW2EOD
I have to disagree with that. You might know a lot about fish but I have been training hounds and labs for 7 years now and I say its all in the dog. You can correct a hound or a lab with a correcting stick and 5 mins later they are still your best friend. Not a pit bull. A friend I grew up with raises Pit bulls and said he could never disapline his dogs like that, they would turn on him in a heart beat. Pit Bulls, Rotts, D. Pinchers, German Sheperds and Dalmations, all should be keeped in kennels and away from children. Now that i have kids I believe they need to get rid of the breed. Any aggressive dog listed above walks into our yard better hope that cartoon movie title is ture!(All Dogs go to Heaven) Anyways what do I need to do if I get a pufferfish?


scu ba said:
Sorry AW2EOD
You can correct a hound or a lab with a correcting stick and 5 mins later they are still your best friend.
OH MY GOD !! You correct your dogs by hitting them with sticks!!!!!!!!! That mentality is the problem!

scu ba

Dischirm said:
Originally Posted by scu ba
Sorry AW2EOD
You can correct a hound or a lab with a correcting stick and 5 mins later they are still your best friend.
OH MY GOD !! You correct your dogs by hitting them with sticks!!!!!!!!! That mentality is the problem!

Oh MY GOD LEARN TO READ did i say i hit them?


Actually, I read just fine and yes you said "correct them with a correcting stick" I correct my dogs verbally and no other means is necessary. Certainly not a stick!

shark bait

I did not try to start a war about dogs. My point was just don't take that chance. You know your dog, or I hope you do to leave your child with any dog alone! Fish are a diffrent story as most are wild caught and act diffrent from type to type. I have had a blue line trigger and a small mappa puffer who were fine together, but when I added a Niger trigger the mappa went crazy on the blue line. I fixed this issue in a day but with fish you just never know what will happen. Just plan ahead and stock fish that are tried a true and always find out if the LFS will take a return.


Your right, and this got way off topic. I just face so much racism (breedism?) and unjustified prejudice every day that it gets to be really emotionally painful for me. But this was not the place to vent! I apologize to all and especially to the threadstarter!

scu ba

Moray girl there is a differnce between a correcting stick and a reg ol' stick. When you use a correcting stick you tap the dog on his/her butt, show the dog it, point at them and say NO!. But some people like to jump into conclusions at dog trainers and hunters when they see any excuse they can find, before they know all the facts about the subject or they refuse to listen to both sides of the storys. What is the difference between training a dog and holding a Goldentail Moray Eel in captivity away from its home where it can move freely in the ocean, eat whenever it whats, go where it pleases. I say nothing I love them both!!
PS sorry about spelling


Don't worry. I am well aware of how people jump to conclusions about things and not being willing to look from other sides. That unfortunately is exactly what I face with my dogs and "their" reputations. I am not one who says "all pitbulls are perfect." They are animals and just like people, there are good ones and bad ones. I had misunderstood what you said about the stick, and I now see that you use it as a tool, not a weapon. Unfortunately for my breed, people do use weapons against them, and some good dogs are turned bad. But it does really bother me when people pull there kids away (my dogs love kids and are very gentle) and tell there children "those dogs kill people". That is just perpetuating the problem into future generations. My dogs dont understand why they cant say HI to the children they adore and it is hurtful to me to be judged as one of "those people who has those dogs!". I am a responsible 42 year old woman, not some hoodlum who wants a vicious dog. OK I will quit rambling now!


New Member
that is funny i am the thread starter and i have two pitbulls and a 10 year old son, who my youngest pit bull(keera) sleeps with. My dogs love people, as far as another trying to come in the yard and eat there fod, it aint happening. But i thank you guys and girls for the info on the puffer. What kind of fish would go well with a bamboo?