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  1. mitruff

    Suggestions: Additions to 75G

    I 2nd the wrasse and tang. a nice hippo tang and a red coris wrasse...both very colorful and love to swim. a great addition. plus they're both very peaceful for the most part.
  2. mitruff


    I've got a 46 gallon bow tank. only 5 fish, a few snails and a cleaner shrimp. all are rather young. tank is about 7 months old. I'm movin across town. does anyone have any advice? obviously I have to find a way to keep all of my water. I'm thinkin large plastic garbage can and strap it to...
  3. mitruff

    Looking for a Fish thats bright & colorful

    I believe I have a red coris wrasse and he brightens up the whole tank. He's a bright orange with a bright yellow tailfin with a few white spots on him and some blue sprinkled in. He's out during the day and loves to bury himself in the sand when it's bedtime. Prob one of my favorite fish...
  4. mitruff

    water changes

    I've read a lot of different opinions on which kind of water to use when doing routine water changes. I normally just use tap water for my daily "top offs". This is my first major water change. What is the best water to use? I see this RO water is all over this site...where can you get this...
  5. mitruff

    will this work together???

    I'm not expert by any means, just started out about 4 months ago. But I had an emporer angel (juvi) and tried to squeeze in a copperband butterfly about 3 weeks into having the angel...angel wasn't havin it. had to return the copperband about 4 weeks later after his isolated life was too...
  6. mitruff

    Fish Compatability

    Thanks for the advice. No I didn't do the light out technique...thought that was an old wives' tale. Now I know. As for the emperor, I knew that it wouldn't be too comfortable in a 48 when I bought him...granted he is a juvi, but getting him was one of the only reasons I decided to start...
  7. mitruff

    Fish Compatability

    I just added a Copperband Butterfly fish to my 48 gallon tank. My emporor angel flipped out. Chased the poor thing for hours until the new guy was able to hide. The fish place I bought him from says there shouldn't be any problem. Anyone else ever encounter this? Even my Maroon clownfish is...