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  1. tucsonmike

    Purple or Orchid Dottyback?

    My purple is the biggest bully I have ever seen he has my perc, six-line, gramma, and firefish secluded to one corner. I am taking him back to my lFS if I can catch him.
  2. tucsonmike

    Catalina Water Company Real Ocean Water?

    Used this water to set up my first tank with LR and LS and it cycled in like 2 weeks. It works great and is hassle free. Tell ***** their website says 7.99 and they always match the price for me.
  3. tucsonmike

    First salt tank what do you think

    Thanks guys as most new people in this hobby I am taking as much advise as I can. Its amazing how you could do to 3 different LFS and have 7 different ideas of the right tank and the right stock. I have learned more with reading these forums and others like it. Thanks again ill be posting new...
  4. tucsonmike

    First salt tank what do you think

    This is month 2 of my first salt tank. Tell me what you guys think. I know the first comment will be the rocks on the glass I plan on changing and adding more LR. any suggestions would be great thanks. sorry the pics are not good its my phone with the camera. Michael
  5. tucsonmike

    My first salt tank what do you think

    This is month 2 of my first salt tank. Tell me what you guys think. I know the first comment will be the rocks on the glass I plan on changing and adding more LR. any suggestions would be great thanks. sorry the pics are not good its my phone with the camera. Michael
  6. tucsonmike

    I know I feel dumb but i gotta ask

    nice the bag thing worked
  7. tucsonmike

    I know I feel dumb but i gotta ask

    A friend gave me a sump system with an overflow box but how in the heck do you get the siphon to start. I thought about trying and figured I better not make an asz of myself and ask before I try.
  8. tucsonmike

    What the heck is this!

    it has a had shell and I seen it opening up like it split in the middle and fanned out. It didn't look like a peacefull critter and I have been waking up with a dead crab like everyday and a dead blue tang. Any ideas on what it might be.
  9. tucsonmike

    Id help please anemone?

    Any ideas on what this might be it is orangish/redish and retracts like an anemone and has lots of tentacles with white tips on the end of them. thanks Michael
  10. tucsonmike

    help blue tang not doing so good

    thanks for all the help guys and gals good to know people are willing to give advise and suggestions without expecting something in return. Hope all your fish stay healthy.
  11. tucsonmike

    help blue tang not doing so good

    Sad day she was dead this morning. Her eyes were glazed and her gills looked a little white but her color was good overall. I guess I caught her in time to not harm the tank my ammonia was at 0 and the rest as well. I placed her in a 10 tank with saltwater what is the best way to dispose of her?
  12. tucsonmike

    Please Help blue tang is dying

    yes its just the tang I even have an anemone witch I thought were more sensitive to variations in water and stuff. He is doing fine now if I turn out the lights for awhile will it be bad for my anemone? If the tang dies tonight and I take him out in the morning is he going to make my ammonia...
  13. tucsonmike

    Please Help blue tang is dying

    sorry forgot to add 50gal ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10 ph 8.0 1.026 1 clown added the same day as tang (Saturday) 1 bubbletip anemone ditto above
  14. tucsonmike

    Please Help blue tang is dying

    I posted this in the disease forum and got limited response please help my tang is not looking good. I just got home and the tang is just lying on its side at the bottom of the tank near some rocks. I thought she was dead as I reached in I had to like touch her for her to move and she swam like...
  15. tucsonmike

    help blue tang not doing so good

    I just got home and the tang is just lying on its side at the bottom of the tank near some rocks. I thought she was dead as I reached in I had to like touch her for her to move and she swam like 6 inches than just laid on her side again kinda looking lifeless. I feel so bad my LSF said to take...
  16. tucsonmike

    help blue tang not doing so good

    its a 50gal I kinda had this as my qt tankto start stocking it while my 110 is being put together.
  17. tucsonmike

    help blue tang not doing so good

    He ate the first day then he wouldn't eat at all I put some algae and had tried 2 different types of food. I acclimated him the way my LFS told me with hanging the bag for about 30 min then tossing out some of the water and slowing adding tank water into it. He swam fine the first day now he...
  18. tucsonmike

    help blue tang not doing so good

    I just bought a blue tang and a perc with and anemone on Saturday. All were doing fine eating a little and swimming around then I noticed last night my blue tang was like scratching himself against the rcoks and today he is in the corner of the tank breathing hard and is starting to turn white...
  19. tucsonmike

    Let me hear your stories about your first ever cycle!

    I started my cycle 2 Sundays ago its a 55g with 80lbs of LS and 50lbs of LR and box water from Catalina. I had copepos in the first 3 days a few worms with an ammonia spike at the 5th day and everything was great had the water tested the last few days and all looked good so my LFS and I decided...
  20. tucsonmike

    After the algae bloom?

    I am in my 10th day cycling and hit the algae bloom what usually comes next? Also I am getting a good amount of coraline algae as well is it safe to use purple up at this stage? Oh and on one of my LR I have a pinkish/orangish coral? with long tentacles that have white tips on them and it is...