Search results

  1. mauiman84

    Trouble getting rid of Caulerpa nummularia in main tank

    so far, the freshwater soak has worked on the rock that was soaked. I still have some caulerpa stuck on some polyp rocks that is next to impossible to get off. I do however have some hair algae growing back on the soaked rocks. Would putting chaeto in the tank help with the spread of caulerpa...
  2. mauiman84

    Trouble getting rid of Caulerpa nummularia in main tank

    Today i took out all of my live rock that didn't have coral growing on it and soaked it in fresh water and then scrubbed everything clean with a tooth brush. I also picked off as much of the caulerpa left on my rocks with coral. Now that I have almost all of this crap off the rocks, is there...
  3. mauiman84

    Trouble getting rid of Caulerpa nummularia in main tank

    That freshwater dip sounds like a good idea. Should I do this one rock at a time or is it ok to do multiple? This is in a 29g tank and i don't want have to start my tank completely over.
  4. mauiman84

    Trouble getting rid of Caulerpa nummularia in main tank

    Thanks for the quick reply. This crap grows very quickly. I'm thinkin about taking out all of my live rock and scrubbing it down.
  5. mauiman84

    Trouble getting rid of Caulerpa nummularia in main tank

    I put some of this in my main tank about 5 months ago and it has taken over my tank. What is the best way to get rid of it? Picking it? Also is there any little critter that will help keep it from spreading?
  6. mauiman84

    Light for 29g

  7. mauiman84

    Light for 29g

    Do you have a picture of what your retro looks like all setup?
  8. mauiman84

    Light for 29g

    thanks for the reply, i hadn't thought about doin that.
  9. mauiman84

    Light for 29g

    I was wondering what type of light would be recomended for a 29g aquarium. I currently have pc's in the form of a 30" current orbit with 2x65w bulbs. I have some soft coral and am looking to get some polyps. Will 24" t5 unit stretch the length of the aquarium with the legs all the way out and...
  10. mauiman84

    coral to add to 29g

  11. mauiman84

    coral to add to 29g

    well i've added them slowly and all water parameters are excelent. There is a larger tank in the works for about 6 months from now but can't decide what i want.
  12. mauiman84

    coral to add to 29g

    What corals can i keep? So far my tank consists of: live sand 45 lbs. of live rock candy cane coral toadstool leather candelabra gorgonia bta 2 tomato clowns bi-color pseudo chromis coral beauty valentinni puffer small snowflake eel large cleanup crew my hardware consists of 2 24" tek t5's 1...
  13. mauiman84

    t-5 and anemones

    If i were you i would post in the DIY forum for get the attention of fanker. He knows a lot about t5's. You can also do a search on the DIY forum.
  14. mauiman84

    Anemone ID Please...

    i does look like a long tenticle
  15. mauiman84


    i'd look into some t5's. i think you would see a huge difference as long as you set them up right.
  16. mauiman84

    Lighting AGGGGGHHHHH

    definitely go with t5's. I'm not sure on the amount but i'm sure fanker could help you out.
  17. mauiman84

    pc or vho ????

    do a search for the t5 thread on the DIY section by fanker and you will get all the info you need.
  18. mauiman84

    pc or vho ????

    I wouldn't go with pc's or vho. I would look into t5's ho unless you are going to get MH.
  19. mauiman84

    lights - T5 or power compacts?

    T5 will be better in all areas.
  20. mauiman84

    Just got my tek 2x24w t5 retro

    I finished making the final installation on my t5 retro and it is extremely bright compared to my t8's. I ended up taking the factory lighting out of the eclipse hood and only had to drill 8 holes to mount the new lights. So other than the small screw heads in the top of the plastic canopy...