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  1. mauiman84 lr?

    type this information in the search area and you will find plenty of pictures of the rock. Everything i have seen and heard says that it is very good rock.
  2. mauiman84

    Just got my tek 2x24w t5 retro

    I did a temp. install on my lights last night with heavy double sided tape and they were awesome. The reflectors make a huge difference. The only problems i have left now are trying to mount the balast somewhere and try to find a cover for the lights since they are only about 3" from the...
  3. mauiman84

    Just got my tek 2x24w t5 retro

    I just got my birthday gift i ordered for myself. I hope that it will be easy to install into my eclipse hood.
  4. mauiman84

    T5 vs. PC

    yes you should be fine with the t5's if u want clams
  5. mauiman84


    ordered a 2x24 tek setup today. Should be to me by tue. or wed. and i can't wait!!!!
  6. mauiman84

    2x24 T5 vs. 65w PC

    I just have to decide which bulbs to put in it now.
  7. mauiman84

    2x24 T5 vs. 65w PC

    I decided to go with the TEK 2x24w setup. I'm ordering now and should be here next week sometime. Hope it goes in easy.
  8. mauiman84

    2x24 T5 vs. 65w PC

    Yes i would buy a retrofit kit to put in place of my t8's. I think i can squeeze 2 t5's and reflectors in the space my t8's are in right now. If i can't then i'll get the single 65w PC. If i do the 65 i'll have 2.24w per gallon. The problem is the the t5's would probably be more beneficial...
  9. mauiman84

    2x24 T5 vs. 65w PC

    Thanks for the info. Everyone else please feel free to put in their .02 as this is a learning experience for many people.
  10. mauiman84


    So if for some reason they don't fit under the existing clear protector they will be fine without something blocking them from the water then?
  11. mauiman84

    WTB 2x24 T5 retrofit

  12. mauiman84

    2x24 T5 vs. 65w PC

  13. mauiman84

    WTB 2x24 T5 retrofit

    Looking to buy a 2x24w T5 retrofit kit.
  14. mauiman84

    2x24 T5 vs. 65w PC

    I was thinking of going with the t5's just because they won't put off as much heat. I am wanting to stick with the hood and put both of the t5's with reflectors under the current housing that is given for the 24" t8's that are in it right now.
  15. mauiman84

    2x24 T5 vs. 65w PC

    29g, eclipse hood
  16. mauiman84

    Missing Cleaner Shrimp

    he could be molting in which he is probably hiding.
  17. mauiman84

    2x24 T5 vs. 65w PC

    I have to purchase a new fixture since my current one burned up today. Which would be better between 2x24w T5 and a 65w PC?
  18. mauiman84

    How white is too white? Transparent BTA

    From the little that i know about anemones it sounds like you need to upgrade your lights.
  19. mauiman84

    When to add Anenome

    It was up and running about 3-4 months. I bought a green BTA. I have it under regular lights that are 10k and actinic. I am upgrading my lights to t5's this weekend though.
  20. mauiman84

    When to add Anenome

    It did a little bit but it is still hosting to my powerhead. I think the second clown i put in was a little more aggressive than the first one. The weird thing is that they were in the same tank for a couple of weeks at the store that i bought them at. I only bought them about a week a part.