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  1. kafawa

    Things die

    I am a novice, and I just tried to swith from cc to live sand, which I did. Some things didn't make it. Did I shock my tank I wonder? Even before... polyps never want to open in my tank, and mushrooms float away and decompose. What am I doing wrong? My nitrates were high, I'm bringing them down...
  2. kafawa

    live sand smell

    I just put live sand in my tank and my husband thinks the house "smells like a whales butt." Does it smell forever or does it die down?
  3. kafawa

    sand or crushed coral

    I have had the same problem. I am getting sand tomorrow, taking everyhting out of the tank and juist putting the sand in. I hope it all works out, I don't see why it wouldn't. My tank is 50 gallons so it's not THAT crazy. I'll let you know tomorrow how it all worked out for me. I have no idea...
  4. kafawa


    First off, everyone has been so helpful on this web site. My understanding of reef aquariums and everything is so muchg clearer. Everyone talks about attaching their mushrooms using glue? I have a few floaters that came with my rocks. What glue is it and where can I get it?
  5. kafawa

    water flow

    What if I got rid of that one and got just one good one. Any suggstions?
  6. kafawa

    water flow

    Hello. I have a 50 gallon tank and am starting to really get into reef. I have an aua clear 30 for my water pump. I feel like it doesn't have enopugh water flow. How much sahould I have in a reef tank? Should I get another pump? Any suggestions? I plan on having anenomes.
  7. kafawa


    Hey. I put the rock in iodine and now a part of it is smoking. Is the iodine going to hurt the rest of the tank?
  8. kafawa


    can anyone recomend a great water pump for a 50 gallon reef tank that anemomes wont get stuck in? Would you recomend two water pumps for premium water flow in a tank?
  9. kafawa


    I'll try it. I've heared they are hard to kill. Is it common not to open for several weeks? Did you leave it in iodine overnight? Just iodine?
  10. kafawa


    HOw do I know if my polyps id dead? It hasn't opend in weeks. Should I take it out of the tank? Do I just throuw the rock away?
  11. kafawa

    crushed coralq

    I have begun the process. Thank you all so much!
  12. kafawa

    crushed coralq

    You are so helpful! Thank you so much!
  13. kafawa

    Live sand

    I have three fish 50 gallon two live rocks one bubble tipanenome one shrimp 5 hermit crabs 2 snails
  14. kafawa

    Live sand

    Clams huh? Should I just do that instead of the switch? Skinner girl...was it worth it?
  15. kafawa

    crushed coralq

    So, when I take my 2-3 nets out, do I put the live sand in then. or wait until I have taken it all out. Do I vacum the cc before taking it out?
  16. kafawa

    Live sand

    Sugggestions on switching my already well established crushed coral tank to live sand. I have a discussion furthur down, but to add more opinion.... I have high nitrates...I NEED TO SWITCH BUT DON"T KNOW HOW!!! I also don;t understand cycling (other than the first cycling of the tank)
  17. kafawa

    crushed coralq

    I should get live sand? How does it get shipped to me? I don't think my lps has it. Will I be aable to let it sit while I am cycling it in? I don't know how to cycle.
  18. kafawa

    crushed coralq

    O.K. Cycle the live sand how? My tank is 50 gallons. Is this my only opion of switching. My other concern is durning January I had ich. I'm afraid of stirring up old ich by moving the coral around.
  19. kafawa

    crushed coralq

    I'm new to this message board stuff. ow do I find skinnergirl?
  20. kafawa

    crushed coralq

    How do I switch?