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  1. emhcee

    What's up with this pump?

    I looked over at the tank a few minutes ago and noticed a steady stream of bubbles rising from there I would assume they shouldn't be, near the top of the pump on my protein skimmer... Any idea what might have happened here? Think I should take it apart - or leave it?
  2. emhcee

    Another Protein Skimmer question

    Over the course of time, the intake on my skimmer has grown quite a bit of green algae on it. Is this going to somehow affect the mechanics? I'm still getting good flow up and into the actual skimmer, but I have noticed lots more bubbles being sent back into the tank. Thanks,
  3. emhcee

    compatibility with royal gramma

    I have a royal gramma, two clowns (tank raised percula), a 3 stripe damsel and a mandarin goby and they all get along great!
  4. emhcee

    how do you caculate gallons

    Well a gallon is 231 cubic inches... so no matter what the dimensions of the new tank, find the area of the base in inches, and multiply that times the height (also in inches). Take the answer and divide it by 231, and you'll have your gallons.
  5. emhcee

    Protein Skimmer trouble?

    Thanks! Very helpful, I'll direct some water flow up that way.
  6. emhcee

    Protein Skimmer trouble?

    Hi all, In the last few days I've begun to notice a sortof 'film' developing on the surface of the water... not sure what it is. I can see that my skimmer has great flow down into the tube and a good vortex up the middle, but not much is collecting (if at all) up in the reservoir. I just...
  7. emhcee

    Thing this is the culprit

    Great photo! I can't ID him either, but worth mentioning on the photo...
  8. emhcee

    Mantis shrimp problem

    rookie question alert - I've noticed a few threads on the boards about the sudden finding of a type of shrimp or crab in the tank... how is it that these critters get in the tank if the owner doesn't know about it?
  9. emhcee

    Aggressive Yellow Tailed Tang?

    What's a CB horse? I got these two from Ocean Riders... I switched em up, and put the tang in the extra tank for now. The perculas don't seem to mind the horses at all. Thanks!
  10. emhcee

    Aggressive Yellow Tailed Tang?

    Thanks Dogstar, and promisetbg, I found that information about the seahorses too, only a little too late. I will say this, these two seahorses feed aggressively and get right into the mix when it's time to eat! Now I just need to figure out what to do...
  11. emhcee

    Aggressive Yellow Tailed Tang?

    Hello one and all, I'm a long time reader of these forums, this is my first post. I love this place! So much information and great feedback. I have a 75 Gallon reef tank that's been set up for almost a year now... I'm going extremely slow on adding things, based on cost and my being...