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  1. whitemike

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    You must be rich.
  2. whitemike

    Check it out.

    Found this at night.
  3. whitemike

    Whats this?

    thank you. :)
  4. whitemike

    Whats this?

    Whats this white stuff growing on my snail? Hes the only one with it on his shell is it bad?
  5. whitemike

    Putting Faces to the Names

    Me when I was younger and thiner.
  6. whitemike

    What kind of crab can I add?

    If you have enough empty shells and reminder they are very picky and stuborn on the shells. They are also need to try a couple out so they could kill just to try it out, but if you have enough shells it will be ok. I have like 20 empty shells and only five hermit crabs.
  7. whitemike

    iS IT OK

    I don't know. Sorry man. Not good with corals yet. My assumption would be you have very limted choices. What those choices are... I don't know Im just real bored and wanted to say I don't know. Who Knows
  8. whitemike

    What kind of crab can I add?

    If you ever find an star astrea snail your the man in my book.
  9. whitemike

    What kind of crab can I add?

    If you get snails I just stick with margrita snails which I think the need to be out of water some times and its good for them so if you have an inch of space on top they will go up there. Than Nassuris snails are cool. Ofcourse all the diffrent turbo snails. Don't get an Astrea snail they fall...
  10. whitemike

    What kind of crab can I add?

    My personal favorite shrimp is the pistol shrimp cause he works with my goby. He hides all the time except when food is in the tank. I think if they are paired and the shrimp gets big they strole around. He can scare fish away with snaping his claws and hes real cool looking. I also have a...
  11. whitemike

    Firefish hides a lot

    Thats just what they do. If he is starveing he will come out and let you know.
  12. whitemike

    One large bristleworm eating a snail-

    That guy is cool. Im gonna name him Dr. Kevorkian cause those snails where probally deppressed of terminaly ill and he just did them a favor. The easy way out.
  13. whitemike

    Do you have hair algae?

    Well for 10 gallon I had problems so I did two things which maybe worked and one by accidnet. First was buy mexican turbo snail. Second was a pistol shrimp which probally did nothing. Than I got pods in my tank from a coral. Also feed less. Now I have no alge problems at all. Pods do eat micro...
  14. whitemike

    What kind of crab can I add?

    Crabs aren't the nicest creatures and theres not that manny to choose from. There is fidler crabs, but they suck. Hermit crabs are my favorite. Those are the only peaceful ones I know of and I don't recomen filder crabs for manny reasons. Your best bet is shrimps. I love shrimps. Some one will...
  15. whitemike

    Hermit Crabs

    Thats cool.
  16. whitemike

    Math Tutor

    Yea hes tuff, but hes real smart and gets the job done.
  17. whitemike

    Math Tutor

    I got a new math tutor hes great if any one needs his help. His number is 1-888- MrBarks
  18. whitemike

    Hermit Crabs

    Do hermit crabs poop in there shell. Its a question which will boggle the mind and I know some hermit crab lover out there knows the answer. Do they poop in the shell or come out of the shell to take a dump?
  19. whitemike

    What is this growth on my LR?

    This is the Tang police I'm giveing you a fraction fine if I see you again it's gonna be a felony and you will have to report to the Tang headquarters is Kentucky for Tang safety lesson. You have been warned.