Search results

  1. molly05

    Rearing tank requirement

    What equipments do I need to setup for a larvae rearing tank?
  2. molly05

    Salt for rotifiers

    What kind of salt do you use for rotifers culture?
  3. molly05

    Food for clown fish larvae

    What food do I need to feed clown fish larvae? Can I feed them with DTs Premium Reef Blend Phytoplankton or Marine Snow?
  4. molly05

    Hatching Help

    I just discovered my clown fish is hatching. What should I do to protect the larvae? I have fire fish and bicolor pseudochormis in the tank. Do I need to remove them? What do I feed the larvae?
  5. molly05

    Help in conversion

    People often refer to a cup and I don't know how big a cup is. According to the instruction, I need to mix 8 cups with 1 gal of water. Anyone knows how many cups equal to 1lb? I just bought 1lb of epsom salt, how much water do I need to mix?
  6. molly05

    HQI Bulbs

    Is there any difference between Hamilton 14K and Phoenix 14K bulb?
  7. molly05

    ID Please !!!!!!!!!!

    I bought this coral about 1 month ago but I don't know the name.
  8. molly05

    Quick way to kill ich

    It's just come out of my mind the way how to kill ich quicky but I need your inputs. Everybody agree that ich is invert and can not handle high temp. So why don't we remove fish, rock, and let the empty tank runs at 90-100 degree for couple of days instead of running the empty tank for 6-8wks.
  9. molly05

    Clams Mystery

    I bought 2 Crocea clams on July 15 and they were happy in 30G reef tank. Yesterday morning, I found out they were all gone except the shells. Can anyone explain to me what's going on and what I should do to keep the clam alive in the future. Thanks.
  10. molly05

    How to cure?

    Well, it has been about a month for my last post "What should I do?". All my fish still don't show any spot. However, my sailfin tang still keeps flashing on the sand and twisting more often now. He opens his gill for few seconds and then flashing his gill to the sand. I thought ich might attach...
  11. molly05

    What should I do?

    I have had 110g FOWLR running since Oct last year and I had an ich outbreak after the setup. The tank had been in hypo for 4 months and I always kept the salinity at 10ppm during the hypo time. During the hypo time, there was no sign of ich but the fish were still flashing, twisting and...
  12. molly05

    What should I do?

    I have had 110g FOWLR running since Oct last year and I had an ich outbreak after the setup. The tank had been in hypo for 4 months and I always kept the salinity at 10ppm during the hypo time. During the hypo time, there was no sign of ich but the fish were still flashing, twisting and...
  13. molly05

    Maxijet 900 ?

    How can I stop Maxijet 900 split out buble once in a while?
  14. molly05

    What wrong with my tank?

    I bought one head of xenia in April this year and it split to two after that. Things were going well. They were pumping and growing. Three weeks ago, I replaced my 50/50 PC light with 150W MH Viper light and added 2 crocea clams and everything changed. My leather duster totally disappeared, my...
  15. molly05

    Fish for sale at Southern CA

    I have a healthy 5" clown trigger and passer angel for sale. $120 for both. You can see my fish at this link Email me at
  16. molly05

    Viper Light

    I'm thinking to buy a clip on Viper K-2 150WATT HQI/14,000k for my 24"w x 17"d x 17"h reef tank but I don't know how good it is? Is it too much light for my tank? Should I go with 75W output?
  17. molly05

    neon goby

    Do you need to QT a neon goby?
  18. molly05

    My FOWLR

    Here are some shots of my FOWLR
  19. molly05

    Red sea fish

    Is it true all the red sea fish have more immunity than other fish?
  20. molly05

    Is it ick? Please help

    I have had this fish in QT for a month and he in hypo now. I bought him on 3/18 and started hypo on 3/21. About a week ago, I noticed his body getting worse. He is still eating but not much like before. I don't think he gets ick. I want to save him. Please help.