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  1. sandi


    Niger Triggers can become very territorial. I have had one for 5 years now. When I started my FOWLR tank I had him in there with two clowns, a damel and a porc. puffer. Everything went great for about 2 years then trigger went psycho and killed the damel and one of the clowns at which time I...
  2. sandi

    Moving Puffer

    Thanks guys for the info. Basically you are saying to keep him in water at all times. I thinks I can do this. He is very friendly and social - I think he will be fairly easy to catch. I will try to catch him in a pitcher and then transfer him to a bucket.
  3. sandi

    Moving Puffer

    Good morning everyone! I have just bought a new house and have three tanks for move. Things are going to get tense in the near future. No actually I am not really worried about the move - it will be a lot of work but I am sure we can do it without incident and our LFS has a guy that helps...
  4. sandi

    Keeping Snails

    The hermits are the culprit. I have just about lost all my snails to the little killers. They even kills each other and believe me I have plenty of emply shells in my tank for them to have - they don't need to fight over them or kill snails to get them. I am taking all of my hermits to the...
  5. sandi

    New porcupine puffer, shy and not eating

    My Proc. Puffer was very shy in the beginning but after he gets used to his new surroundings I am sure he will be fine. These fish are great. They have such cute personalities. Mine will come to the top of the tank as soon as he sees me come in the room. He will swim back and forth until I...
  6. sandi

    Help - Niger may have Finrot

    Honestly, I know this is bad but this is our FOWLR tank. We don't check our numbers on this tank near as often as the Coral Tank. The last time we check (which was about a month ago) it was: P.H. 7.8 meq/l Amonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nuitrate 10 Alkalinity 4 and we also do a 10% water change on both...
  7. sandi

    Help - Niger may have Finrot

    I have a 4 year old Niger Trigger that I think may have finrot. I am not home so I can't post a picture right now but his tail fin is the problem. It is turning a redish brown color. The long pieces of fin that come off the tail are already gone and the redish brown is starting all over the...
  8. sandi

    Why I'll never vote for a democrat

    The last election should speak volumes to the Rep. on how the American people feel.
  9. sandi

    Flatworm Question

    Thanks for the response. This makes me feel better about it anyway. Just don't want to lose my fish. Lost all my fish in my tank about 9 months ago due to a boxfish mishap. Was horrible experience. People thought I was crazy getting so upset over fish but when you put so much time, effort...
  10. sandi

    Flatworm Question

    Well this has been quite a long process. First finding out exactly what these critters were and with some research learning how to get rid of them. I have Flatworm Exit that we are using tonight. We have made enough water to do a 75% water change if needed. I expect we will have to do quite...
  11. sandi


    Thanks guys. NPage, I actually already saw melevsreef. I thought the vacuum was a cool idea - my husband did like the idea of sucking on the end of that hose though. Anyway, going to start getting those suckers out tonight. They aren't the clear ones - they are the red ones. Wish me luck
  12. sandi


    It is a 55 gallon. I thought the 75% was excessive too. I also thought that waiting 8 hours after putting in the Flatworm Exit was quite a while to wait. We will probably start with a 50% and go from there. I know the Exit says you don't have to quarantine, but I have read horror stories on...
  13. sandi


    Well it has happened - we have flatworms. Actually it took me quite a bit to figure out what these guys were. Anyway, we are going to be using the Flatworm Exit this weekend. We are going to try to syphon as many of the flatworms out as possible before using the Exit. We are preparing a 75%...
  14. sandi

    Questions for the Experts

    Well I guess this is good news. Will give it a try. Thanks for all the info!!
  15. sandi

    Questions for the Experts

    k, heres the specifics on the light. They are the shorter bulbs that plug in on one side. There are two 65 watt daylight bulbs and 2 65 watt actinic blue bulbs for a total of 260 watts. The bulbs are about 1 inch in diameter. There are also 4 moonlights. Is this enough light for the softies...
  16. sandi

    Questions for the Experts

    My husband is on his way home from work now so will have exact answers to all these light questions in a few minutes. I think I know most of the questions but want to make sure I have everything right. Thanks
  17. sandi

    Questions for the Experts

    Oh, the question about filtration - we have a wet/dry filtration with the bio balls. Eventually, we will replace the bio balls with the live rock. Going from what everyone on here pretty much says, the live rock is the way to go. You guys are great for info. Thanks much.
  18. sandi

    Questions for the Experts

    You know, my money has always been on the light. It's name brand is Coralife. It is 10,000 k. It has the same light bulbs from when we bought it in the store. The store we bought it at recommended this light for corals but since we have had no luck with soft coral it has occurred to me that...
  19. sandi

    Questions for the Experts

    meg - I do realize the the alkalinity is low - how do we get this up?
  20. sandi

    Questions for the Experts

    Honestly the questions regarding the light - not sure - will have to look when I get home. Thanks for the replies.