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  1. sandi

    Questions for the Experts

    Well actually the Coral Beauty is relatively new. The Anemone had already died and the Aveopora (sp) was on its way down when we got the Coral Beauty.
  2. sandi

    Questions for the Experts

    Well here goes. We have had saltwater fish only tanks for many years loving the hobby started a reef tank about 9 months ago. We have a 55 gallon tank with about 75 pounds of live rock and 3 inch live sand bed. All the fish and inverts in the tank seems to be doing great. The problem, we...
  3. sandi

    niger trigger

    I have had a niger trigger for about 4 years now. They are very cool fish to have. They are pretty tame as far as triggers but as time goes by they seem to get more territorial. Mine went for 2 years never hurting anything in my tank and then all of a sudden he ate all my crabs, shrimp and my...
  4. sandi

    Strange Looking Things in my Tank

    Thank you! They are definately either one of the Isopods or the Amphipods - they are so tiny at this point it is hard to tell exactly what they are.
  5. sandi

    Strange Looking Things in my Tank

    Yesterday I was relaxing, watching my tank and notice in a little cave under my live rock, there were a bunch of these little bug looking things. I have never noticed these before. They look like tiny little white or clear bugs. I tried to take a picture but they are too tiny. Does anyone...
  6. sandi

    calerpa or chaeto

    Could someone please give more info. on the claerpa sexual behavior and what happens to the tank when this happens. I have this in my tank and have never heard of this. Please more info!
  7. sandi

    Coral Banded Shrimp w/other Shrimp & Crabs?

    I just had to take my CB back to the fish store. He had killed two of my cleaner shrimp and was picking on my Coral Beauty. When I was him with the Coral Beauty in one of his claws that was the last straw. He's history.
  8. sandi

    whitespotted puffer

    After looking at this picture a little more, I am almost positive that is a cubicus. You should do some research on these fish. They are very poisonous. If stressed they will secrete poison that will kill every fish in your tank, including him. I know this for a fact. I had my cubicus for...
  9. sandi

    whitespotted puffer

    I could be wrong, the picture is kind of blurry, but that fish looks like my cubicus (which is a boxfish).
  10. sandi

    Anybody got Puffer Fish?

    Ok - from now on my husband's running interference!!!
  11. sandi

    Cubicus Question

    Thanks - I like that answer.
  12. sandi

    emerald crab in with...

    I have a niger trigger which is suppose to be the most docile of triggers and for the most part he was until about his 2nd year and he got very territorial. He started to eat all of my crabs and shrimp. I had to take out all the rest and put them in my reef. You may be okay for a while, but I...
  13. sandi

    Somebody Scratch my Belly

    Oh that is too cute. My cleaners do really funny things to. When I feel flake food, they will literally walk across the top of the water getting food. I wish mine would get a little agressive. I have a CB shrimp and he has already killed one of them but I don't want to have to take all of my...
  14. sandi

    Cubicus Question

    Sorry, I am at work so I can't get a picture today. It is a boxfish. He is yellow with black spots all over him. I will try to get a picture on here tomorrow.
  15. sandi

    Cubicus Question

    No one has a Cubicus??
  16. sandi

    Cubicus Question

    I actually just replied to a post about this and it got me thinking. I have a 150 gallon fish only tank with a trigger, puffer and cubicus in it. I started a reef tank now and was wondering if I could put him in there. I know that they are not suppose to be reef safe but their little mouths...
  17. sandi

    Anybody got Puffer Fish?

    I have a puffer in my fish-only tank with a niger trigger and a cubicus. I have had these fish for 4 years now. They are great and they all have the cutest personalities. My trigger moves everything around in the tank. He is very territorial. He will even bite me when I am doing water...
  18. sandi

    Anemone/Fether Duster Question

    Thank you for your reply. I think you are right, it is antipsia. He also said we could inject them or pluck them but when you try to get anywhere near them they shrivel up and you can't get them. I think I will try the peppermint shrimp. Thanks
  19. sandi

    Anemone/Fether Duster Question

    Hi all. I am a newbie on the reef end of this. I have had a fish only tank for over 4 years but started my reef tank about 6 months ago. Anyway, on with my question. Within a week of buying my live rock we had all these pretty little things growing which look like a cross between anemones...
  20. sandi

    Worried about my Harlequin Tusk

    My cleaner shrimp (I guess I am lucky) takes care of all my fish when there is an ich issue. After you have taken care of this bout of ich you may think about purchasing one. They are great at keeping the fish clean and are sooooo cute. They will clean your hand when you put it in the tank...