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  1. italgal02

    Refund/Guarantee codes

    thnx ill check
  2. italgal02

    Refund/Guarantee codes

    Since im not going to be ordering anytime soon... Im willing to negotiate for my codes if someone is placing an order, im willing to help you out with the codes i have no for a haitian tip anemone, a brittle starfish, and a lawnmower blennie! just email me
  3. italgal02

    Who wants my fish?

    Thanks for all your response, but my nieghbor is offering to hosue the fish until i reset up the tank. He has a great sstem and offered to come set ours up better and igve the fish back! thanks for quick responses
  4. italgal02

    Refund/Guarantee codes

  5. italgal02

    Anyone In Connecticut

    if someone doesnt take it, i can prob ship them. Ill take a pic tonight and post... Its only 3-4 pounds... I paid 20 dollars for it. If you want to pay shipping ill just mail it toyou
  6. italgal02

    Refund/Guarantee codes

    sounds good thnx
  7. italgal02

    Refund/Guarantee codes

    has anyone used the codes to get your new fish? Im curious do you have to REPAY for shipping?
  8. italgal02

    Who wants my fish?

    i was hoping this weekend....
  9. italgal02

    Who wants my fish?

    wont ship, just because i dont want the hassel.... im emailed you back: check it out
  10. italgal02

    Who wants my fish?

    Your two hours from me. If we meet halfway thats an hour each. not too bad. Email me easier!
  11. italgal02

    Who wants my fish?

    Mapquest it. im about an hour and a half from stamford. Im willing to meet an hour away if you are. But we have to do this sat or sun.
  12. italgal02

    Who wants my fish?

    Westchester where? Im in New Britain, CT. Im willing to meet you somewhere if you figure out place and time, btu I dont want to drive forever to get there. I still ahve the styrofoam box form shipping so i can put them in there. Is it westchester MA?
  13. italgal02

    Who wants my fish?

    sorry, at wrok and in training so im horribly bored!
  14. italgal02

    Who wants my fish?

    no one? I know i can give them to my petstore, but they aren't too great. I gave them the tang and they only gave me 4 bucks whent hey gave another guy 12... Id rather for someone on her to get them for free then my petstore ripping me off!
  15. italgal02

    Who wants my fish?

    Hey guys Were moving and planning on redoing a tank after our house is done. We had to choose, HOUSE OR TANK and id otn fit in the tank so i had to pink the house... Im getting rid of these fish for free so if you want them you can have them! heres what i got.... 1- Lawnmower blennie 2- Tom...
  16. italgal02

    XM or Sirius?

    I had XM and it was horrible..... Sirius is much better
  17. italgal02

    Anyone In Connecticut

    Hey im getting rid of some fish and 4 pounds of live rock if someone wants it. I have 2 tomato clowns, 1 lawnmower blennie, 2 damsel (a blue and white/black striped) my LR is very pretty. I'm even giving away the food and a clam. Anyone want it imw illing to give it away. Im moving and we...
  18. italgal02

    anyoen in Connecticut

    Thanks Guys! Im actually planning a trip to Boston... so i think i will stop by! Thanks for the feedback Ill tell you how it went~
  19. italgal02

    anyoen in Connecticut

    Springfield sounds great! its only about 45 mins from me... Where about?
  20. italgal02

    anyoen in Connecticut

    Anyone in CT that knows of a great pet shop for LS and LR? i was going to two of them, one is further, but they dont have LS and the one wher ei got my LR is getting pretty dirty.... Anyone know anywhere within the area.... MY BF love driving so maybe even neighboring states... (2 hour max)