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  1. italgal02

    New Aquarium

    About the lights, someone email i will measure tank and maybe you cna help me out
  2. italgal02

    New Aquarium

    Now he is moving every once and a while and I just put him up closer to the light... Just need to know what kind of light and hood to buy for the new tank?!
  3. italgal02

    New Aquarium

    This may sound like a dumb question, but how do I go about getting more light if my hood will only handle so much? I went to 2 pet sotres and cannot find one that fits my lighting. I knwo the lighting is bad, like i said previously, i set up the tank the way my petstore said, So i'm sorry fi I...
  4. italgal02

    Clam question

  5. italgal02

    New Aquarium

    Most of my fish are doing ok becuase the levels are good and there are plenty of hiding spots. I just want this 30 gallon to be done well so that the fish are healthier and so I can get 2 anemones for my clowns.... Once i start it ill let you guys in to see if im doing ok!
  6. italgal02

    Scallop makes great dinner!

    hahaha... My father was tempted... but i advised him not to ;)
  7. italgal02

    Sarting my saltwater tank

    eric theres a thread with just pics on it... shoot over there, it helped me witht he setup alot!
  8. italgal02

    New Aquarium

    I have test kits and all my levels are good at the moment. Thats what i did the first time, my tank cycled for 3 weeks, i tested, it was perfect, i added fish, they died etc... I want to make sure ic ycle the tank well and add the right fish, a good clean crew (which i dont know hat ones) and...
  9. italgal02

    New Aquarium

    Yea,, i told you iwas very uneducated. My Pet Shop steered me in the wrong direction. They had me purchase the crappiest items and told me such wrong things. I'm finally learning so wehn i set up the 30 gallon, i plan on getting rid of the 2 damsels (which are very small and territorial) and...
  10. italgal02

    Sarting my saltwater tank

    Same boat as you, hoping someone replies to these posts,s o i can aquire needed materials~
  11. italgal02

    New Aquarium

    I fanyone else can give me some feedback about starting it up, i'd really appreciate it. i don't want to start anything until i'm 100% positive that i'm doing ti correctly now. My fish in my tank now are thriving, 2 tomato clowns, 2 damsels, a yellow tang and a lawnmower belnnie.... All look...
  12. italgal02

    New Aquarium

    Ok guys so since my 10 gallon isn't working out too well (since i came into the hobby very naive and uneducated), I am purchasing a 30 gallon with stand and keeping two 10 gallons (one for fresh water holding tank and my old one for saltwater holding tank). Now here is my question... I want to...
  13. italgal02

    Clam question

    Ok so it looks good thanks!
  14. italgal02

    Scallop makes great dinner!

    guess I wont purchase anymore... They were very beautiful though and i guess tasty to my fish! Thanks
  15. italgal02

    Clam question

    It is a cleaner clam I bought on SWF.COM. My am=0 trite= 0 trate=somewhere between 3-5 PH = 8.2 Salt= 1.023 My scallop got eaten, but the clam just sits there, Im not sure what it actually is suppossed to do. I thought it would plant tisself somewhere, but it doesnt. i also am using that White...
  16. italgal02

    For Sale in CT - Must Go! 55 Gal & 20 Gal Setups

    Sorry didn't respond, i went on VACA so couldnt log on. If no one is interested or doesnt sell. Shoot me an email...
  17. italgal02

    Clam question

    Anyone have clams in their tank? my local pet shop said they are great if you have nirtate problems... Mine doesn't open and has been closed since i put in tank, is this normal?
  18. italgal02

    Scallop makes great dinner!

    So I had a scallop in my tank for a little while and just recently noticed it was loosing some size... Come to find out my fish have been eating it... Its 100% gone now, but conviently, the shell makes for a great home for my clowns~ Guess they just wanted a new hiding spot!
  19. italgal02

    Live Sand Help

    No it hasn't Her'es the problem,,, When is taretd my tank i was told so many wrong things. Instead of doing my own research i trusted my local pet shop and went by their advice. I'm thinking of purchasing a slightly larger tank and cycling that with the sand and gradually adding my other things...
  20. italgal02

    does this setup look ok to you all?

    hey i have CC,,, and have a nitrate problem.... how should i go about sqitching to LS?