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  1. italgal02

    Live Sand Help

    Ok So i have posted this in a few threads already, but I guess not many saw it... Im going to change my CC to LS.... I know money man told me to contact two members, but if anyone else wants to give me some steps to follow I'd love it. I'm obviously goign to remove the items in the tank, but i...
  2. italgal02

    Pink Tip Haitian Anenome, Green Star Polyp accimilation ?

    Read the drip acclimmating thing too, it was really helpful for all my toher fish, none went into shock and they are all doing perfectly... if you just dump it in the tank your going to probably harm the anemone more then your tank.... Is it healthy looking now?
  3. italgal02

    Pink Tip Haitian Anenome, Green Star Polyp accimilation ?

    You really should be drip acclimating them, they should have sent instructions with the box... Mine died yesterday, i hope you ahve better luck! It did great first day then died....
  4. italgal02

    Nitrate Problems

    Was wondering if anyone would like to give me some step by step advice on how to change from CC to Sand.... I think ill purchse it from becuase my local pet shops arent too clean...anyone ever buy LS from SWF.COM?
  5. italgal02

    Nitrate Problems

    Will try the sand in a week or two... Any adivce on how to go about it?
  6. italgal02

    john and Jane doe

    My tank is a few months old... not very new, but not very established... If they give me creidt for the return i may get something other than the anemone and starfish!
  7. italgal02

    john and Jane doe

    Thanks! Hopefully Ill get some healthier ones~
  8. italgal02

    Nitrate Problems

    back to the problems after a water change... Is it a good idea to NOT ever do one?
  9. italgal02

    Fish for a 24 gal. tank?

    I have a blue damsel (witht he small black dot on his tail) that thinks he rules my tank.... I had the ocellaris (spellign) clown fish, and he tortured him pretty badly. I then got 2 clowns, becuase i thought with 2 atleast one would survive, WRONG>.. both got tortured pretty bad. I now have 2...
  10. italgal02

    john and Jane doe

    any advice form anyone???? Im at work and bored out of my mind, so im online tryign to figure out my problems with these fish~
  11. italgal02

    john and Jane doe

    So My starfish and anemone died 2 day in tank... all other fish, inverts etc doing great. When I recieved the anemone (pink tip haitian) it looked not so great. My clown fish loved him for about 2-5 hours, then he decided to die on the 2nd day. My starfish looked fine, but died yesterday too. Im...
  12. italgal02

    For Sale in CT - Must Go! 55 Gal & 20 Gal Setups

    Still for sale? I live in new britain, where In CT are the tanks if still for sale?
  13. italgal02

    New pics of my 12g Nanocube

    I have a question for the people who do water changes once a week? Do you just take the water out then make the salinity fo the new water and add it? Someone told me with eveyr water change you should add a small amount of Stress Coat. I usually just make the salinity equal then pour it in. Also...
  14. italgal02

    Nitrate Problems

    So i let my Algea build up... and did not clean the surfaces of the glass or vacum for about a while (a pet shop adviced me to try this) and it worked. The levels went down pretty well. I think my Nitrate is still not at 0, but that can just be my eye looking and matching up the colors, but the...
  15. italgal02

    New pics of my 12g Nanocube

    DeMartini, I do water changes and it doesn't help. Are there any step by step tips on what I should do that may help me out?
  16. italgal02

    Nitrate Problems

    I did a water change (about 50%) and it got worse. My ammonia went up and my nitrates went down. when i put the bacteria in, it reveresed Ammonia down and the nitrate/trite went up. Im going to put some blennies in to help my algea prblems, hopefully they wont die and I can try to control the...
  17. italgal02

    New pics of my 12g Nanocube

    I love your tank,,, Thats my goal, I ahve a 10 gallon, btu am having problems getting my NITRATE and NIRITE down. how many fish do you have ( I think i see 3 or 4 in the pics)? Was t hard for you to get your levels good? It's been almost 2 months and my damsels and anemone (bubble tip) is fine...
  18. italgal02

    Nitrate Problems

    Do you mean LIVE SAND? I ahve crushed coral... and its about 1.5 inches deep....
  19. italgal02

    Nitrate Problems

    Its only a 10 gallon. And all I have is regular filter witht he bio wheel. I ahve crushed coralf or the PH, but I dont knwo what you mean by LS ( ia m very new at this) I ahve cichlids in a 75 gallon who are very easy to care for.... But salt is tricky, especially since its only 10 gallons...
  20. italgal02

    Nitrate Problems

    I have had my tank set up for over 2 months. I have 2 damsels who are doing great one pound of live rock (its a small tank). My PH is good and my Salt and Ammonia is good. For some reason though, I cannot seem to get the Nitrate and Nitrite down. I put about half a bag of the bacteria (biospera)...