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  1. austinfish

    Pearl Toby Pufferfish

    Thanks everyone for your input. DfishH, Thanks to you. I think there are some puffers that stay small? I just had no idea if this type got big or not. I'll stick to my plans on have a few cleaner shrimp and maybe a starfish in the 12 gal. :D
  2. austinfish

    Pearl Toby Pufferfish

    Does anyone know if the pufferfish could be kept alone in the 12 gal tank? They are so neat, if that's all I could keep in the tank, that would be fine. How big do they get? Any info on this fish would be great. I will not buy it until I'm sure I can care for it and give it a happy home...
  3. austinfish

    Pearl Toby Pufferfish

    Thanks for addressing my question, I'm having a hard time finding much on these fish.
  4. austinfish

    Pearl Toby Pufferfish

    I'm wondering if anyone knows about this fish. 1.) Is it hard to care for? 2.) How large does it get? 3.) how large of a tank does it need? 4.) Could it live with cleaner shrimp? 5.) Is it reef safe? I would like to get some cleaner shrimp, a starfish and maybe a small fish for my 12 gal, fish...
  5. austinfish

    Breeding cleaner shrimp..

    So has anyone been able to breed and raise shrimp? Any tricks to it? :confused:
  6. austinfish

    Breeding cleaner shrimp..

    I'm thinking of making my 12 gal a breeding tank for cleaner shrimp. Has anyone been able to breed a shrimp to adulthood? Is it very difficult? Thanks
  7. austinfish

    12 gal tank, what can I put in it?

    The tank is a Eclipse System Twelve, has light in it and I don't think it could support better lighting. I already have a 45 gal reef and would like to have this second tank as just a fish tank or shrimp tank. Thanks everyone for your input and any additional comments are welcomed! Thanks
  8. austinfish

    Queen Conch croaked

    I have had the same thing happen to me. I have lost snails and crabs and I test the water and everything seems fine. I have hair algea that I have to scrape off ever few weeks, so I don't think it's lack of food, unless it's lack of the right food. This worries me. I don't like it when...
  9. austinfish

    12 gal tank, what can I put in it?

    I have an old salt water tank that I used for a Mantis shrimp. I'm wondering what I could put in this little tank. I'm thinking 1 small colorful fish or a few cleaner shrimp hoping to get them to breed. My problem is, the tank does not alway stay below 80, and I can not aford to but a...
  10. austinfish

    Is it just me???

    I'd rather not say where I got them. I just thing this could be a normal amount to loose in the first few days after shipping?? I got red hermits, and some of them died, and blue hermits. The larger snails seem to fair better. I love the Mexican/Trochus Snails, they are big and really clean! I...
  11. austinfish

    Is it just me???

    I just want to ask a question about survival of shipments of Red crabs, and turbo snails. It could be it's just me. I find that I order a bunch, take me time and follow the instructions on acculamation, but I still loose about 10% in the first few days after I get a new batch. I hate this, I...
  12. austinfish

    Temp and algae

    Are you saying that you don't think letting the tank get up to 84 is bad? I would like some more imput on this if any one care to give it. I'm open to anything, I want to learn and I want a healthy tank. :confused:
  13. austinfish

    Chiller and algae

    I do have an additional fan besides the one on my light system. I have not been able to keep the temp down with this. Granted we do keep our ac only on 78, that would be too warm for most people.
  14. austinfish

    Temp and algae

    Will warm tank waters cause or increase algae growth? I'm looking into a chiller, can not keep my tank below 80.
  15. austinfish

    Chiller and algae

    Thanks for the advice on this, I think I can rig it up somehow so it will work.
  16. austinfish

    Chiller and algae

    I have been having a problem keeping my tank cool. Also I have not been adding nitrate reducer, which I may need to do. Does anyone know if I can take an CoolWorks IceProbe chiller, mount it on a some plexiglass or wood and turn it into my tank? I don't want to drill any holes, and I think as...
  17. austinfish

    Replacement for bio balls

    Thanks, I have not even focused on nitrate, I bet that has cause my algea problems. Also I realized I'm not able to keep my tank below 82 which I think is really bad.
  18. austinfish

    Replacement for bio balls

    I have a 45 gal, with 220 VHO lighting, and a wet dry, over the back. I have live rock and I just replaced crushed Coral with live sand. I'm having problems with phosphate and Algea, but I'm doing daily water changes and hope to get this under control. Not too long ago I rinsed my bio balls in...
  19. austinfish

    pseudochromis porphyreus(magenta or purple dottyback) help please!!

    I have a Bi color which killed close to $100.00 worth of stock. I finally removed it, which is no easy task. Have you considered a Royal Gramma? They are really nice looking, hardy and not nearly as mean. I know my Bi color is not the same exact fish, but they are part of the same family. I...
  20. austinfish

    really nice looking and hardy..but..

    This was a mistake, I meant to add to a different tread.