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  1. bill109


    seems like a great idea. i really like how rc makes the TOTM the first pics. im not sure if anything will ever come of this,( i just skimmed the last posts..) for the fact that it would be just like the competitors forums. however, i am all for the idea! maybe one mod should be dedicated to the...
  2. bill109

    My New 80 Gal Custom built cube

    thanks, =) i used to have a 90 gallon tank, then i had a tank crash due to a faulty marineland heater, and since then i set it back up and have been somewhat neglecting it untill now when i found time to set this things up!! i will be sure to post some pics as soon as i get back form this...
  3. bill109

    My New 80 Gal Custom built cube

    this pic was taken a few days ago. using 2x evolution pendents. 199W ea its been a long time since i have been able to update. i just moved so i got to set up my new tank. what do you think?
  4. bill109

    new frag setup.

    ah. i must of been overthinking this lol. thanks!
  5. bill109

    new frag setup.

  6. bill109

    new frag setup.

    this is old! check it out now, heres my last attempt at posting pics on this forum. <a href=";current=P2070001.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0"...
  7. bill109

    Lets see some Acan collections..

    i cant figure out how to get the pics on here any more, i tried all the codes it gave me from photo bucket. whats the deal
  8. bill109

    Lets see some Acan collections..

    ah, yes new new new new! i bought an LED light fixture and its making my acans look great, check it out. i also purchased some new acans.
  9. bill109


    good to see some progress on the the growth. do you check your alk and Ca at all? it could be from a low Ca level. how the tank doing these days? i have not been on here in awhile. got a fts to show off? -bill
  10. bill109

    Can a fish cure ICH with its immune system ???

    im not trying to make any statements here, but before my tank crashed from a faulty heater, i saw a tang get ich and it stayed on one fish. it fell off in a matter of a couple days, and it never came back. it may have been dormant but it never came back even with multiple fish in the tank. it...
  11. bill109

    my favorite corals, reverse color favias

    check it out. i have had these 2 monsters for a while now and they have reverse colors of eachother. one is mint green and purple while the other has mint green splashes of color on it. hopefully it interests some people. just thought i'd share!! they are cool. i havent seen this before lol...
  12. bill109

    Lets see some Acan collections..

    nice acans, post up again if you see them adjust to yuour lighting a little more and they colors adjust. here are a few pics of some new acans, and some pre existing. out of the new additions there was only 3 i could get good shots of. =( anyways, here are some photos i have been trying to get...
  13. bill109

    Lets see some Acan collections..

    AquaKnight - it is a sport equipped 5, but it looks identical to the m5 with the m5 bumper upgrades. its a beauty.
  14. bill109

    Lets see some Acan collections..

    i bought some new acans, ill have to post up some pictures!
  15. bill109

    Pico tank

    please dont waste your money on a marineland. i will bad mouth their heaters untill the day i die.. they suck. go with a hydor 50. i use that in my pico. for lighting. if you want to do mainly sps, look into LED. for keeping more light demanding corals, a par 30 would do that tank niiiicely. i...
  16. bill109

    Photo Contest Week 12 Topic: Gobies

    heres my contribution...
  17. bill109

    Fragging questions....

    for the gsp, you will have to gently peel the purple mat back and just cut it with a blade. simple as that. for the palys, you will need to either break the rock or what ever it is on, or take a razor blade and scrape underneath the stem and dig into the rock/frag disc what ever is it on. make...
  18. bill109

    Show your top down

    here are some.. i have an underwater/water proof camera. kinda like cheating these are all crap shots. ill take some new ones tomorrow.
  19. bill109

    Frogspawn and Hammer Struggle after new sump

    they will do that if the flow has changed to much flow and you wont get the full poly extension.. frogspawn are bullet proof. i had a problem similar. something was killing it off after a near tank crash. i kept it and now it has grown close to 20 huge heads and is basketball size. it will be...
  20. bill109

    how to put halides in my 12g nano cube?

    par 38 with 60 degree optics. done deal. what are your dimensions? i recommend one par 38 for each sq. ft.