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  1. kesmai

    10 Really, REALLY Useless Facts

    would you rather your balls explode or be a virgin forever.. cuz they can't masturbate without thumbs =]
  2. kesmai

    10 Really, REALLY Useless Facts M.I.T. Boston in the 1930s. Every male student that brought a girl to a “dorm party” had to pay an admission fee based on his date’s weight. They paid 1 cent per pound and an addictional 10 cents if if their date was a blonde, 15 cents for...
  3. kesmai

    selling my signature?

    I'm just wondering if I am allowed to "Sell my signature"(auction?) with a service like - It looks like you get paid to put a URL in your signature, no advertising, just a plain link What are the rules regarding this? Thank you
  4. kesmai

    battle rides it picks two random cars and you pick which one 'wins the battle' and then you see the stats for what other people voted kinda fun :) ps: mustangs are hot cars, so you need to give a win to any you see
  5. kesmai

    online poker, do you?

    what are your favorite sites and why? hows the payout? my favorite poker site is probably i like it because i can deposit $50, get a 100% bonus, and withdraw the whole $100 right away if I wanted. what are some other ones that don't make you play a bazillion hands...
  6. kesmai

    tornado in middle of soccer game can you hear the japanese guy yelling "IZ GODZILLA!!!" haha..
  7. kesmai

    starter kit 12 gal 4 sw ! HELP

    how big did u say the tank was?
  8. kesmai

    Eels in a 46 gal

    itd be cruel for anything less...
  9. kesmai

    How many of you Ride Horses???

    last time i rode a hrse i broke my collar bone thats the last time ll catch me on one of those...