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  1. dbelli

    tank crashed!!! help!!

    that is exactly the way i feel. I don't want to endanger their fish. let me throw this out to you. I actually used to work at my lfs, so I have a relationship with them. They do me a lot of favors, including ordering things for me at their price. Don't want to screw that up. In that light...
  2. dbelli

    tank crashed!!! help!!

    Originally Posted by bmkj02 +1 on the Sea Apple. They are very nice and cool looking but I wont get one for this same reason. Same with cucumbers. I had one and one day I saw him spitting a bunch of stringy stuff and I got rid of it the next day after I looked online what it was. What color is...
  3. dbelli

    tank crashed!!! help!!

    okay, i'm convinced about the apple. now, how do i get rid of it? if it is stressed, i don't think that the lfs will take it. I would feel guilty as heck if i just take it out and dispose of it, although i suppose that is the answer here. any comments?
  4. dbelli

    tank crashed!!! help!!

    thanks!! what about phosphates? with the high algae spike i'm leaning toward that. but would that kill everything else? i'm lost here.
  5. dbelli

    tank crashed!!! help!!

    nearest lfs is 40 miles away. have had the apple for a long time.never had problems before??
  6. dbelli

    tank crashed!!! help!!

    my 2 yr old 90gal tank has crashed. major algae issues. everything dying or dead. lost all corals including mushrooms, all fish except for a jewel damsel, all inverts including starfish. only things alive are the damsel and a sea apple. have cleaned tank and done water change. scrubbed all rock...
  7. dbelli


    found a worm in my tank tonight that looks just like the last picture in the bristleworm id thread. long and flat with bristles on the sides, kinda greenish. this thing was about 5 inches long stretched out. was able to catch it and get it out and is now in a bucket. to keep? or not to keep...
  8. dbelli

    ID please

    okay, so i circled a couple of things in the picture. first, the big circle shows the whole "rock". the smaller circle shows the opening of it. Any ideas?
  9. dbelli

    ID please

    Bought this at my lfs as a piece of live rock. just looked interesting. after putting it into my tank and letting it settle in I noticed something strange. This piece of rock was splitting open in the middle and was opening. It has 2 openings like a clam. I am assuming it is some sort of...
  10. dbelli

    Song Title Game

    Love in an elevator -Aerosmith
  11. dbelli

    Song Title Game

    Cry me a river- Justin Timberlake
  12. dbelli

    ID please??

    can't find a picture of what I have. they are brown with definite bubbles, but i don't see a center to them, just the tentacles. :notsure:
  13. dbelli

    ID please??

    Can't get a decent pic. Am now searching through archives for a pic of majano to compare. will let you know. :thinking:
  14. dbelli

    ID please??

    Thanks Ophiura! I believe that you are right!! Looked at pictures of squirts and they do look like this. Paid $35 for this piece at my lfs. Not only does it have the large mushroom, but I have found a couple of very small different mushrooms on it, a small bubble anenome( which has...
  15. dbelli

    ID please??

    Not sure what this is. Found it under the mushroom on the rock. It is red, and blobish. has what appears to be 2 mouth openinings that are tinged in yellow. Openings look like that of a clam. crazy looking thing. sorry the picture is blurry.
  16. dbelli

    Yellow Tang

    2 questions: 1) How big is the tang? 2) How long is your friend supposed to be deployed? If it is just a small tang and your friend won't be long (less than a year?) maybe you could take it. These are things you need to consider. :thinking:
  17. dbelli

    Show off your holiday additions!

    Here's my new xmas gift!! 90 gal!!!!!!
  18. dbelli

    new 90g for xmas!!!!

    Here is a picture. Just set it up this weekend. P.S. now can I get a tang? :thinking:
  19. dbelli

    new 90g for xmas!!!!

    can't post as he hasn't picked it up yet!! picking it up today. won't be able to set it up until next weekend though. what he didn't realise is that it involves more sea salt, more filtration, more live sand. need to get this stuff first. If I use all of my sand form previous tank ( and...
  20. dbelli

    new 90g for xmas!!!!

    Husband just informed me that he bought me a new 90g for xmas!!!!!!! am so excited!!! currently have a 29g. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's the funny part, he didn't realize that it was a 90g. He thought that it was a 55g!!! Merry Christmas everyone and hope that Santa brings you all what you...