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  1. danbe

    Rapid overflow help

    All of a sudden my rapid overflow has stopped working. I have searched the threads and gone thru the motions with no luck. The aqua lifter appears to be working, it will suck in and pump out water. I have cleaned all the tubes and even took the whole thing apart and reasembled as if it were...
  2. danbe

    Dang LTA!!!!

    Stupid Fish!!! That is exactly what my wife said. She really likes the LTA. I told her we could keep it, but we wouldn't buy any more fish. Instead I would just throw $20 in the tank.
  3. danbe

    Dang LTA!!!!

    I have been losing fish quite frequently over the past few months. Two Lyertail Anthias, a Blue Reef Chromis, and a Coral Beauty in about 6 months time. All were in great looking and acting shape but simply vanished literaly over night. My water param's have always been great and I couldn't...
  4. danbe

    Weird hitchhiker. Calling the experts.

    I found this on my glass tonight (up close to the top). It is about 3/4" long and 1/2" wide. It is not round, shaped more like a sea shell. It doesn't look like it is hard on the outside. If I had to describe it it looks like a soft clam. It hasn't moved and appears to be stuck to the glass...
  5. danbe

    Have you heard of Hydor Koralia Pumps

    They are awesome! I put a #3 in my 45 tall and it is doing great. Previously I had a MJ900 and an Aquaclaer 70. The single Koralia does better. I also noticed my temp dropped a degree or two so I think the two pumps were heating up a little. The price is very good as well.
  6. danbe

    Koralia 4 too much?

  7. danbe

    Koralia 4 too much?

    Would one of these (1200gph) be too much for a 45G tall? The tank is 36" long, 12 inches wide, and 24" tall. Right now I have a MJ900 (235 gph), an Aqua Clear 70 (400gph), and my sump return at about 600gph. I would remove both existing powerheads and replace with the single Koralia. It is...
  8. danbe

    Sump Design

    Originally Posted by florida joe Where are you going to put your protein skimmer It's a HOB skimmer that I previously had on the DT. It works pretty good. Any thoughts on my question?
  9. danbe

    Sump Design

    Thanks for the couple replys to my last post. I got the sump/fuge running pretty good but after only two days the $#@% thing cracked down the middle. I think one of the baffles was a little snug against the glass and once water was in there is put too much pressure. I siliconed it so it...
  10. danbe

    Sump HELP!!!

    First the history. 45 g tank was set up last October and has been doing very well for my first one. I researched tons of info here before I started and continue to read it daily. bowdown Ok. So I have started setting up my home made...
  11. danbe

    Missing SixLine Wasse

    Originally Posted by Snaredrum Well I would like to get another one but I don't want to chance it either. I know that Six Line was very curious of the Emeralds when I first put them in. He would keep going up to them and bumping them with his nose. My Pistol Shrimp has been acting up also. He...
  12. danbe

    LTA is moving LR

    I have a LTA and a few weeks ago he moved to a spot at the base of a piece of LR. Over the course of time it has pushed it's foot further and further under the rock where now the foot is showing on the other side and it has lifted the rock up. I wouldn't be worried about it except that this...
  13. danbe

    Fish scared of HOB?!

    Has anyone ever had their fish scared of a HOB filter? I added two clowns this weekend (first fish, YEAH) and they will not go near it. If I turn it off, within minutes they will be swimming all over the place. Turn it back on and within minutes they are as far away as they can get. It's a...