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  1. cdarnley

    red slime algae

    i was wonderig how do i get rid of red slime algae. i know you can buy that red slime killer and i guess it works but is there anything that eats it. and what is the most effective way to get rid of it.
  2. cdarnley

    yellow tang

    i have formula 2 and seaweed selects so well see if he starts eating it.
  3. cdarnley

    yellow tang

    i j ust got a small yellow tang yesturday and i put green algae in there and he hasnt touched it but then i fed the rest of the fish frozen brine and cyclops ezz and he devoured the brine is it ok fro him to eat just that and no algae
  4. cdarnley

    bta stuck in powerhead

    my bta got sucked into the filter mesh intake and looked almoset dead and i took that part of and put it on the bottom of the tank and it just got out of it after a couple of hours. also a guy at my lfs got on ein his power head and it shreded it in to 30 pieces and half grew new bta
  5. cdarnley

    sea hare

    hello all i am looking for a sea haree and cant find them anywhere around my neck of the woods i was wondering if someone knew where i could get one online. also i know there are certain kinds that are better if you can tell me which. i know you can say ohter web sites on here so my e-mail...
  6. cdarnley

    peppermint shrimp

    i was thinking about getting a couple of peppermint shrimp to get rid of my aiptasia but i want to know if anyone has real info on them. will they eat other anemone or other polyps like corals i want or will it just eat the aiptasia and then scavenge. if someone really know please help!!
  7. cdarnley

    things to help live rock growth

    Originally Posted by Jcarroll Well, I am getting some new bulbs for my pc's soon, but I just wasn't sure if you could buy pods or something similar that would create more life on the rocks. Anything like that that anyone knows of? yes you can buy pods just serach them on line
  8. cdarnley

    Mandarin good in a reef ?

    i put mine in when i noticed tons of pods in my tank. he ate them quick but luckly hew will eat frozen brine shrimp. i was also going to hatch live ones but didnt really know how and if it was easy. also looked into buying pods.
  9. cdarnley

    my first 55g

    i kow its baree but tell me what you think i should add
  10. cdarnley

    my tank pic

    hi i started this about 4 months ago and just wo ndering what everyone thought of it and how you would improve it
  11. cdarnley


    here is a pic of my tank
  12. cdarnley


    im tryng to post my pic of myt tank but cant figure o ut how to put it in the message
  13. cdarnley

    tank pic

    hi i would like to show you pic of my tank but i cant figure out how to put it on here can anyone help
  14. cdarnley

    Suggestions on good corals for my clown

    i have star polyps and xenia and anemones and my clowns live in an old clam shell
  15. cdarnley

    breaking up live rock

    Originally Posted by rusting Wear safety glasses
  16. cdarnley


    and what if i do pop the bubbles :thinking:
  17. cdarnley


    how do you getg rid of it
  18. cdarnley


    is bubble algae bad
  19. cdarnley


    i was wondering if anyone could help me with this. i have this ruby red bubble looking stuff growing on my LR.
  20. cdarnley


    yes but all the stuff would grow back and it would become alive once again right