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  1. fishy head

    i am getting rid of my tank :(

    well i have had my tank for about 3 years and i just dont have enough time to take care of it any more, in the tank i have 1 False Percula Clownfish, had this guy since day 1 of this project. 1 hawk fish for about 1 year. 1 cleaner shrimp for about 10 months. 1 lawn blenny for about 5 months. i...
  2. fishy head

    need help to remove coral from live rock

    it has a bunch of hair algea on it and i have tried every thing to fish,crabs and even (all natural) chemicals, it just keeps on coming back so i am just going to take it out and scrub it off with a brush and let it sit out for about a day
  3. fishy head

    need help to remove coral from live rock

    i have some button polyps on a peice of live rock and i need to clean, can you give my some tips on how to get this piece off of the rock with out harming the coral??
  4. fishy head


    thanks,,, to night i will make some up for them :happyfish
  5. fishy head


    also,,, is it safe for the water and other things
  6. fishy head


    i have heard about feeding fish garlic to keep them healthy,,, how do you feed it to them ???
  7. fishy head

    Ich spots

    what are u feeding them??
  8. fishy head

    Added first fish today! Bicolor Pseudo

    what other things are u going to add,, fish,corals???
  9. fishy head

    Need to Indentify

    feather duster worms,,,,look them up on google and see what you find
  10. fishy head

    Nassarius Snail

    mine attack each other over food,,, very cool to whatch
  11. fishy head

    second story thread

    a cow
  12. fishy head

    Lets tell a story

    , banjo
  13. fishy head

    Lets tell a story

  14. fishy head

    Lets tell a story

  15. fishy head

    Algea on glass

    scrubing with a sponge or turbo snails
  16. fishy head

    Lets tell a story

  17. fishy head

    Monsterous Snail......

    dirty mouth,,,,clean it up with orbit the first snail had brown mouth :hilarious
  18. fishy head

    Lets tell a story

    the cow
  19. fishy head

    Lets tell a story

  20. fishy head

    Lets tell a story
