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  1. chefzif

    Copperband Butterfly

    Is a 75 reef large enough to keep a copperband butterfly
  2. chefzif

    Fish compatability

    Are Copper Band Butterflies and Sailfin Tangs compatable with a Coarl Beauty in a 75 reef tank :happyfish
  3. chefzif

    Colt Corals

    What is happening when my colt is letting out a white secreation. :help:
  4. chefzif

    Re:Lighting HQI Compact Lighting

    Bonebrake, is the slight blue hue the only differencefrom a 10k to a 20k
  5. chefzif

    sixline wrasse

    You will like the six line wrass and it does not bother any of my corals in my 75 reef
  6. chefzif

    Re:Lighting HQI Compact Lighting

    I am getting ready to change my metal halide bulbs and I presently have 2 10k 150's and I want to know if I replace with 20k 150's will I have a better look on the reef tank and will the change interfear with the corals?
  7. chefzif

    Reef Anenome

    Originally Posted by Dogstar IMO, a BTA. What is a IMO or BTA
  8. chefzif

    Reef Anenome

    What is the best anenome for a reef tank should I get a carpet or a rittori for the reef
  9. chefzif

    All Corals doing fine except..Finger Leather

    Leather corals will go into a dorment lie stage and you will see a protective film aroun the leather. Then the leather will open in a day or two. How is your water quality and how about your current in the tank to much current will make it possible for it not open and also your lighting. Maybe...
  10. chefzif

    Ritteri Anenome

    Will a Ritteri Anenome settle in one area or do they move alot in the reef tank? I have a 75 gallon reef and it seems the aneome moves frequently but only in one area of the tank. Is this commin.