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  1. ecooper

    New Build

  2. ecooper

    New Build

    Cool. Good luck with the build!!!
  3. ecooper

    BT in a 14g biocube?

    I have two small clowns in a 14g biocube. Anyone have a small BT anenome in one? One picks on the other all the time and I'm wondering if the BT would speed up the change process.
  4. ecooper

    Upgrading to a new 180 from my very established 90....lots of questions!

    I just successfully upgraded from a 75 to 125 but could not run both tanks at the same time because I was putting down new carpet. I put all new sand in the 125, filled it with RO water, set everything up, and then moved all the live rock and inhabitants at the same time. I put some of the...
  5. ecooper

    Finally Caught the Big Bristle Worm!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by zoidberg01 U deserve a medal I tried to take one out thatsbwhen I also discovered why are they called fireworms Oops. Yes, I was prepared!
  6. ecooper

    Finally Caught the Big Bristle Worm!!!

    It's amazing what 'life' can do.
  7. ecooper

    Finally Caught the Big Bristle Worm!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Crap on a cracker...that's huge! How did you catch it? Big, long tongs and a bucket.
  8. ecooper

    Finally Caught the Big Bristle Worm!!!

    Finally caught him last night and moved him down to the refugium. You can see him in this video. He's about 16inches. I really didn't want to kill him, but I think he's the reason I don't have any cleanup crew. Now he can hang out on his own. Oh, I'll probably need to fee him...
  9. ecooper

    My *new* 125G reef tank

    Quote: Originally Posted by Eric B 125 Looks good! You did a great job photo-journaling. Your sump and cabinet space look well organized, too (something I'm struggling with on my current build plans). +1 Nice!
  10. ecooper

    Refractometer VS Hydrometer

    Quote: Originally Posted by tur4k I bought my refractometer at my LFS. They actually had a pretty decent selection. I personally will never use a hydrometer again. Bubbles have a nasty habit of sticking to the needle of cheap plastic hydrometers. This throws the reading way off...
  11. ecooper

    Is this stocking option overcrowded?

    My flasher wrasse jumped out. Huge loss as he had a lot of personality.
  12. ecooper

    What is this?

    Oh. Yuck.
  13. ecooper

    What is this?

    It looks like a decomposing fish head. Did you lose anything lately?
  14. ecooper

    Bigger tank again.

    Glad you have a new one. If you don't have a skimmer, you really need to get one. That will go a long way helping the canister. Welcome!
  15. ecooper

    Is this stocking option overcrowded?

    I've only had 5 fish in my 75 for the past several years. I think 11 is probably too many.
  16. ecooper

    Moving....TIME FOR AN UPGRADE!

  17. ecooper

    Tank Upgrade Shopping List and Questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by Pegasus If you plan to use your refugium for nutrient export, you'll want to slow the flow down to around 5X the water volume of the system. Including the fuge, this should be around 700GPH. Halimeda is a slow growing algae, so it will not remove Nitrates adequately...
  18. ecooper

    Tank Upgrade Shopping List and Questions

    I got a 12 (well, equivalent to a 12 - it's rated at 1200gph) so hope that's enough. And, I see you're from Pittsburgh, Eric B. My wife and I moved to San Antonio from Pittsburgh in 2005. It's so much warmer here.
  19. ecooper

    New 125g Reef Ready Build

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills Tagged! Bristle worm: I've heard rumors of folks DIY there own little harpoon/gaff using a stick with a fish hook attached for the larger ones. Typically I consider them to be beneficial. Though I've seen the pics of fish getting bristled in the face by the...
  20. ecooper

    New 125g Reef Ready Build

    Quote: Originally Posted by Eric B 125 Sweet, another 125! What lights are you going with? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk And another 'Eric'!!! I have an Coralife Aqualight Pro with 2 96 watt compacts and two 150 hallides and the lunar lights. It's a great system and I love it. It's only...