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  1. nebreefer

    SPS polyp extension

    I wonder what would make my SPS extend polyps at night and not during the day?? At night I see polyp extension, annd during the day almost none. I know my SPS are doing OK because they are growing and not losing much color.
  2. nebreefer

    New 2.5 Gallon NANO REEF....What FISH?

    too small for seahorses--need about 14 gal per horse
  3. nebreefer

    QT'ing fish?

    I just believe there is no reason to treat if there are no symptoms. The fish will be in qt for a month anyways, so why not wait till they show symptoms.
  4. nebreefer

    QT'ing fish?

    There is no need to hypo or mediacate an otherwise heathy fish! The stress of the move is enough--just give perfect water conditions and check on them as often as possible so you can act at the first sign of trouble.
  5. nebreefer

    T5 HO or PC'S??????

    i don't think you could get the shape (gull wing) or the materials for that
  6. nebreefer

    T5 HO or PC'S??????

    just buy the sls reflectors---they just clip onto the bulb!!
  7. nebreefer

    Can I Add More Nemos???!!!!

    yeah Bob helped me through all sorts of problems!
  8. nebreefer

    T5 HO or PC'S??????

    Unless you want to keep Softies in a small aquarium!
  9. nebreefer

    Can I Add More Nemos???!!!!

    teaching by degrading??? I never learned that in school! "I rule"-- try to read between all the nosense in this post and learn from mistakes we all have made. I have made many in my nine years in this hobby. as for your original post---Take back at least 7 of the nemos and look in to getting...
  10. nebreefer

    Can I Add More Nemos???!!!!

    wow!! Am glad I joined here!! Remember what forum we are in (New Hobbiest) and why you are here
  11. nebreefer

    Can I Add More Nemos???!!!!

    without the attention of a younger generation how will we ever save or reefs and become a more enviomently conscience hobby. And he mentioned his mom buying him a new tank (I.m guessing he still lives at home)
  12. nebreefer

    Can I Add More Nemos???!!!!

    All the kids that come into my store call them Nemo. Is there something wrong with using a "commercial" name are do we all wipe our nose with a facial tissue or a "Kleenex".
  13. nebreefer

    Can I Add More Nemos???!!!!

    We have all made newbie mistakes--I bought an $50 flowerpot for crying out loud. Mistakes will happen and it is up to the experienced reefers on this site to give their opinions and leave it at that. I understand that people get upset at fishstores just trying to make a buck, but why take it...
  14. nebreefer

    T5 HO or PC'S??????

    4x54 wt t5 on a 55 with individual reflectors will be more than enough (I have a Crocea on the Bottom)!! It is actually all that will fit once you add endcaps and reflectors. The refectors are what makes T5 so great. There is **NO** camparison between t5 and PC!! My system is brighter and...