Search results

  1. trigger happy

    trying it out

  2. trigger happy

    trying it out

    seeing if it works
  3. trigger happy

    180 gallon reef tank for sale in the bay area

    Sorry it took so long to reply, I had to charge up camcorder. I hope this works first time sending pictures. Im try to sell everything for $3,500 or best offer
  4. trigger happy

    180 gallon reef tank for sale in the bay area

    I'm looking to sell my 180 gallon plexi-glass tank. The dimensions of the tank are 6' by 2' by 2'. It comes with a black laquer stand and canopy. Everything in it is one year old or newer. Includes 6x96 watt pc and one 250 watts metal halide lighting system and 40 gallon sump with cs8-2 Euroreef...
  5. trigger happy

    mantis in fuge

    do they eat copopods?
  6. trigger happy

    mantis in fuge

    Any one keeping a mantis shrimp in ther fuge
  7. trigger happy

    Hair Algae Problem

    cool ill be doin it tomorrow thanks
  8. trigger happy

    Hair Algae Problem

    if u were to use a toothbrush to scrape it wuoldit spread?
  9. trigger happy

    Calcium Reactor?

    are there any sites on were u can get instructions on diy tkanks for all the replies
  10. trigger happy

    Calcium Reactor?

    Just curious on how many have one and what brand they have
  11. trigger happy

    PB Tang welcomes the new addition

    watch out with those passers angels they get verry mean
  12. trigger happy

    Any good fish stores in San Francisco

    theres a pretty nice one in san meteo the name is Ulimate Aquarium the phone number is 650-212-3474 not sure on address
  13. trigger happy

    Gallons per hour on refugium

    how many gallons per hour for a refuge thanks in advance
  14. trigger happy

    ? on fuge

    kool thanks ill be leaveing it 24/7
  15. trigger happy

    Mantis shrimp in Fuge?

    just curious if any one keeps a mantis in there refugium?