Search results

  1. sharkdealr

    NEW Shark pond in proces of construction

    Hey Alexrex20, Send me an email about the sharks you collect in TX. I may be able to hire you out or buy from you. I can even trade CA sharks and rays if you're interested. My email By the way, Blacktip is in Mexico. Serious problems with getting stuff to him. I don't want...
  2. sharkdealr

    Who wants to help me chose the inhabitants of my shark tank???

    Hey sebae09, What kind of sharks are you planning on collecting? Email me at
  3. sharkdealr

    Who wants to help me chose the inhabitants of my shark tank???

    Hey Madman, Sounds like a cool tank you're building. Email me if you're serious about getting exotic sharks. I have the hook up for you. Bat Rays too. I can't wait to talk to you about your tank.
  4. sharkdealr

    Bat Rays

    I currently have 5 Bat Rays (Myliobatus) available for sale. Wingspans range from 14inches to 22inches. All are healthy and eating well (squid and shrimp). Price is $200.00 ea. not including box or shipping charges. Email me with questions
  5. sharkdealr

    NEW Shark pond in proces of construction

    Blacktip, C. melanopterus run $900.00 and Bonnetheads at 12 inches run $1100.00 and I can ship to Mexico.
  6. sharkdealr

    NEW Shark pond in proces of construction

    Blacktip, I forgot to mention that I can get you Blacktips as well (both C. melanopterus and limbatus, although I do not recommend C. limbatus for your size pond.) If you go with a bigger pond and want something more exotic like Bulls, Sandbar, Scalloped Hammerhead, etc. let me know.
  7. sharkdealr

    NEW Shark pond in proces of construction

    Blacktip, The last time I checked with one of my associates he had three 12 inch Bonnetheads in stock. That was two weeks ago. If you really are interested in a Bonnethead let me know. You can also email me at
  8. sharkdealr

    ACRYLIC51//REQUIEM so i think i just scored on a 6000gallon

    Originally Posted by supermanvx oh and what happen to I'm still here, but the website isn't (a very long story). You can email me at if you have questions. I still offer the same sharks and take special orders. Sorry you couldn't get to my site.